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Oh so thats the game people have been talking about under my old mh dating game april fools video , I'm putting a pin on that and playing it as soon as possible !


What video is this?

Hi there!  I just finished Leo's route and love the game so far!  I just want to know, is there an official discord server for the game's community?  It would be really awesome to be in one and interact with other players, maybe also have more interactions with the game devs?  Thanks!

(1 edit)

We don't have our own discord server for Hopkeeper, but we are part of a VN discord server. You can view the link on our twitter post here:

Cool, thanks for the link!

Since I played this game I really loved the idea of the path selection. (obviously my favorite is Joseph, GOD HE IS SO PRETTY) but since act 4 I had a doubt: would.. it be possible to add cross routes that end up in a good ending??.
splitting your attention onto 2 compatible characters and a different and completely new route unlocking.
I know this is just a game made by 2 people and that it would add a lot of new work, if I knew how I would do it myself like a mod of some sort, but.. not paths with EVERY SINGLE CONVINATION, I thought about it.. and I have come to the conclusion only 3 routes would be possible to make it work without a weird thing happening
I know it would probably be impossible to make what I think, but it has been in my head for days and at least I want someone to know what I'm talking about, Hell, even a Modder could make it happen some day if it doesn't get added officially.
the idea came to me in a scene in Joseph´s route where he goes to sleep and our (since the trial) sexy PJ talks to Ridge about he being jealous because of our relationship with Jo, and then we say to him "since I cant treat you like a boyfriend, how about a best friend?", and then I thought about the cross route idea.
the first one being obviously the Joseph x Ridge route, splitting attention and then maintaining a good relationship with both, the confirmation that you did well being you being able to take both Joseph and Ridge at the same time to the waterfall and from then on I.. wouldn't know what is next since I'm not the writer, but the idea is there.
the second route ALSO HAS JOSEPH IN IT, (this is not fanboy delusions, it actually makes sense).
it would be a Joseph x Runan route, since that confrontation I cant get the idea of a sandwich out of my head, same shit but this time it would be like a rivalry for who gets the most love, but with time they get along, for the first.. time..(????, (sorry.. I only played the Joseph route and a little of the Runan.. but I actually don't know if they end up liking each other qwp) but basically the same.
and the last route (maybe a weird one but it totally works) the Leo x Jin route, ....... NOW HEAR ME OUT, I never figured out if they are biological brothers or nah, so this would make sense if they are not, again, hear me out, those 2 definitely have something going on, (that tit flick.. damn).
I would love for this 3 routes to be real and playable, but.. obviously it would be hard to make.. so it may never be a thing, but dreaming IS a thing, so if either RRuuichi or DaSinBun are reading this.. I hope at least we can get this when you finish the game qwp, or maybe like a update for each of this.., or maybe a Modder can make it into reality, either way if anyone stayed until the end, thank you.
I hope this gets to either of the creators
love ya all!!


While I do appreciate you sharing imaginative ideas, I remember the devs saying that romancing two characters at once just isn't feasible, as it would require dramatic changes in storyline, engagements with other characters...pretty much almost everything in the game, really.

And as one would expect, such changes would eat up time and resources, perhaps unnecessarily.

I...wouldn't get your hopes up, if I were you.



yeah.. i already didn´t have incredibly big hopes...


It would really be better if you made a mod or a fanfiction (I would love to read it!), the devs already suffer a lot with 6 routes, since there are only 2 people working on this incredible project. Adding new routes would increase the workload in 50%, which would make updates take much longer.

yep.. that's why i think a Modder can make it, i.. really wouldn't mind making the story plot of each of these.. but i wouldn't be able to make the codding, even less the art if needed, you can't just use the same images in the game for that 2 character route idea, the photos of the river/lake would have to get at least 3 new ones, one for each route featuring the 2 characters

Make a fanfic! Maybe someone will be inspired by it


Okay, now with that jumpscare out of my system, I want to say several things. Again.

One, I absolutely love this game. Yes, still.

Two, without spoilers, I'd still absolutely love to see Ridge... well, I really really want to see what he's discussing with Koku at his home happen... hehe, scoutflies. XD

Spoilers, perhaps? Just to be safe.

Three: The Admiral is so flat I got a papercut.

Four: Chapter 3 unexpected gameplay change gave me a bit of a whiplash.

Five: I only played Ridge's route so far, but... You know, I can't stop imagining how silly Leo would look like in chapter 3 if he just keeps on flexing. Gotta be quite the mood-killer >.>

Six: For a moment, I thought Ridge had a delayed Frenzy virus.


Chapter 4 ending be like: bringmybrownpants.png


Acabo de terminar la ruta de Leo y dios si me hizo llorar, si no fuera por la guía que hay del cap. 3 no hubiera terminado la ruta pero me encanto, llevo siguiendo esta VN como desde la actualización V0.3 y me quede con las ganas de que como podría continuar, me gusto mucho como avanzo la historia en sentido de que como continua la relación entre Leo y el protagonista, también que Leo pueda superar un trauma y poder aclarar las cosas y sus sentimientos con el protagonista y a la vez también poder sanar sus problemas, también yo encuentro que si es algo que conecta con las personas actualmente porque todos necesitan hablar sus problemas para poder entendernos y eso es algo con lo que conecte de esta historia, y pues fue lo que me gusto de la ruta de Leo espero que la sigan actualizando porque quiero saber mas. (volveré cuando me lea la ruta de Jin)

Saludos desde Chile 🤗❤️

I think I am doing something wrong cause I keep leaving on day 8 and the game ending there


You are supposed to spend three days with the villager of your choice.

For example, if you wish to go down Ridge's path, choose Ridge's icon on the days he is available. You cannot, unfortunately, spend time with all of the villagers in one go, so you'll have to choose.

Oh okay I see how i got the bad ending, I divided attention between Ridge and Joseph.  Much appreciated


Jin must be protected and loved at all costs. I love him.

10/10, made me cry. 


Let me say, I am in day 19 of Leo's route and I could not expect this much trauma, holly stars, i was not mentally ready to be punched around like that. It's amazing, but damn.

(1 edit) (+3)

Kinda a spoiler so ye, have to put a goofy ahh spoiler tag :3

The end of the update this time scared me so bad.. it was like a jumpscare because that felyne looks so eery and creepy.. 😧😨


I love this game. Runan's route is very heavy and deep but I love it. 


Though now im worried about the elder's housekeeper. Since the little guy went insane and wants the admiral dead. I feel for him, since he lost someone dear. It's even more worrying when he says if he goes with you and the person you choose will the admiral die too. And the image is icing on the cake. Hugs to the little house keeper.


really bad choice on my part for deciding to play this at 1am. I really need sleep but I only got 1 route done :(


silly me thinking I can do 3 routes before going to bed

(1 edit) (+2)

koku spoiler

valid crashout tbh

garu that's not how you help your son lmao. koku's disassociating and garu's here like

(2 edits) (+1)

considering what happened in the last update, I did assume correctly that Joseph's is the heaviest one out of all the routes. That said, I still was not prepared for it

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Why is it only now I find out you specifically aren't allowed to name yourself 'Sans'

Edit: it even comes with the 'nope.' that you get if you try the same thing in Undertale

(1 edit)

If you do, you would have a bad time

I have a question, is there any way to know the size or height of the characters shown in feet or meters?


Spoilers, I guess? They're vague, and hardly up to date, but beware anyways!

I gotta say, Leia and Nasher would make for great additions to the datable roster. They'd make for some nice variety, and they both have good story potential. Obviously a story centered on Nasher would be rife with drama, considering what he contributed to in Runan's story, and as for Leia...

She alludes to some terrible event in her past that leads her to distrust humans. She's also been in a relationship before, one that didn't last. Earning her trust would be a feat and a half, and thinking about the feels that could be unpacked there has me really interested. Heck if I know if she'd even be eligible for a spot on the datable roster -- it's a bit presumptuous of me to assume that an expansion will ever be on the table, let alone that the only lady in the game would be allowed on it. But I thought I'd put my two cents on the table anyways.



Nash is Ace (prolly Aro/Ace?) and you find it out in the Runan route.

Really? I have no memory of this. I must have missed it somewhere.

Though I don't necessarily think that would preclude a storyline centered on Nasher from working, or even getting NSFW. Asexual and Aromantic aren't the same thing, and it's my understanding that some ace folks find fulfillment in sex as a means of bonding. Could be I've been mislead, of course.

If it's specifically stated that he's Aromantic, that would make it much harder to work.


I just thought it could also include aromantic, but it could be he's just ace.


i think the phrase that nasher used in runan route was something like "dont feel anything about anyone"  dont know how much you can do with this kind of mindset when it comes to storyline.


I don't think that nullifies my prior statement, and even so, why couldn't a story built on platonic friendship work? Maybe it's a little odd in a dating sim, but that wouldn't make it bad.

(1 edit) (+1)

just wanted to help by giving context. i leave it to others to decides wether something like this can work or not.
thought you seem to move the goalpost alot. From dateable  to "aromantic would make it alot harder" to "story build on platonic friendship" 
i think at the end you just want a story-route with nasher no matter the content and  what it entails, period.
Thats no critic at all. just an observation, you like who you like. ^v^


I hope we get a chance to slap Jo's ass. He beens doing to us, but i want to see his reactions when we do the same tricks on him 

Yo I was just surfing through internet and suddenly there's an update lol...

is there any way to know what evidence or what question is right i am pretty bad at this :(


there is a guide:



This..hits hard, man! And the music that plays and then plays again in reverse! You made me forgot it was a "haha funny monster-boyfriend game". AND OH MY GOD, POOR JIN!

P.S. Sorry, I thought has some proper way to hide spoilers. It does not.




Oh right! Monster Hunter Wilds will be released in the next few days, so you all can probably expect us to play it. So uhhh... Next update will be a while again.

Though, the next update will finally feature some sexual scenes that one of you has been waiting for. Or all... At this point, I really should utilize DaSinBun's amazing talent. That is why I had to make some adjustments to the SFW tag. The next update will be finishing up chapter 4, and the entrance to the last chapter. MHVN is almost over... Well, the story at least. 

When we do release 1.0, we will then work on 2.0, which is going to be the final output, along with some dialogue checking, sprite edits, UI polishes, etc. I have already worked on changing the gallery, but that's gonna be for next update. 

Anyway, that is all for now!


This is just to set expectations cause during Dec 2024 - Jan 2025, a lot are worried about us. While we did go through a lot in the past few months, we just want to assure everything is fine, we just wanted to take our time considering the topic we are portraying, just so we do not offend those who are going through grief in real life. We want to represent it in a proper manner, both the positives... and the negatives. And we do hope that message came across properly and I hope you all enjoy the development of the characters.

So while waiting for 0.8, rest assured this will take a while again to make it feel more natural. I did want to add more to 0.7 in terms of story, but I couldn't help myself to give a little... cliffhanger. I mean... for those following this game for a while now, ya'll should already know it's normal XD.

Anyway, I wanted to reassure everyone, that while we do not update as frequently as other VNs, we are doing our best to at least deliver equal care, love, and attention to all routes at the same time. Not to mention weave an overarching story that is both captivating and silly.

Now go play Monster Hunter wilds.



Can we take a moment to appreciate this overall quote from Runan's route: "Cook for someone not because you want them to love you, but because you love them". That really stuck with me all day. Made me love this guy so much more (Love Jin too though). And, apparently, Runan's hands are the size of half the MC's forearm? Perfect hand holding size diff if you ask me <3 

Looking forward to the next chapter, despite that cliffhanger making me anxious now. If we gotta testify again, does that mean Ace Attorney 2.0? lol Keep up the fantastic work!

Oh man, this update sure was heavy on the emotions. Witnessing all of those events made my heart feel heavy, but man, it's a testament to how good the story is so far. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Scriviner continues to become closer to each of the True Wyverians!

This may be me going off on my own thoughts, but I'm still not sure why I keep imagining the Scriviner saying something like this somewhere in the story, though.  Maybe in an alternate time...?

Fire Emblem Engage spotted

I see you are man of taste 

(1 edit) (+2)

This VN is absolute PEAK, spent all night playing through a couple paths. Each one is absolutely stellar and god I can't wait to see what comes next. Many times in VN's like these there's one or two favorites ill have while i unfortunately leave the rest in the dust but god so far I've loved every one fo these. If I had to pick a favorite though, Jo has been stellar, love that pickle to bits. Runan too has been a loveable Dork and Leo has so much charm

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No spoilers in comments without spoiler tag

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Despite the *ähem* ending of this update. i am glad that the game is changing location to show the actual hunters guild .

The one thing that rubbed  me the wrong way in this game was the rather bad  reprensentation of the hunters guild in general. like when they say that on average that hunters look down on Scout/Scriveners, that is something i never saw in the games, all jobs were treated there with respect.

Maybe the game has also now a chance to show to a true Wyverian how important hunters are instead of continuing with the "bad crazy people with weapons" rhetoric.

Also please excuse my grammar or if i got something wrong. english isnt my first language.


i personally think this is an acceptable lore violation. I belive the main purpose of this is to explain why our Scrivener was at disadvantage during the previous update, and his eventual prevail would feel more earned.

Plus, different villages have different guilds with their own ethics. So... eh?

I know that with the current release, and the sad chapters we've gotten recently, I really hesitate to ask... but when are lewd scenes planned .-.
I kinda feel ashamed for asking such a question :/


Maybe the lewd scenes were the friends we made along the way

Okay, I might as well share this but next update.

(1 edit)

Oh, thanks for the... entire honesty :D

Although I should clarify my question, lewd with each route or just in general?


Released a small update bug fix


I'm going to have severe anxiety after this cliffhanger




omg?? new update! I'm coming Runannn♥

How many chapters are planned?

(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

Since we are past the halfway point, so expect at most 2 more chapters. I cannot say more than that but that also means we are getting closer to 1.0


Thanks for making this great game! Ridge best boy!

I feel dumb for asking this but does that mean that once 1.0 releases Monster Village will be officially finished?


In a way. 1.0 means the story is finished, but 2.0 is the goal, which is basically updated sprites, updated BG, some UI changes, and even updating the game itself. Though there wont be a set schedule after 1.0 since we want to take our time perfecting the rehaul.

Got it. Thanks for the reply.


Ok i just finished and uhhh
Yea. Good update, ummm
Cant wait for the next one...


*SPOILER ALERT* Hopefully I did it right, if not please remove the comment.

Holy crap! That final shot creeped me out! I can't tell if the Housekeeper wants me/us dead or the Admiral.

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he wants the admiral dead, He has no reason to want us dead, since we were the ones who defended the village. The court's judgment is about the Admiral being arrested or not, but since he was the one who killed the Elder, so the Housekeeper wants revenge.



Right?? I was just now playing at night and it actually made me jump a bit im still a bit shaken by it, but damn it is a simple but really really good portrayal of its grief driven madness and i hope we can choose to let it have the revenge it wants tbh.

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Ooooh yeah. *spoiler*

He definitly gave me crazy mass murderer vibe, like he is going to explode a load of large barrels in the hunters guild.



My old saves doesn't work...

I have to play it from the beginning....

Like the last time..... 


HECK YEAH!!!  🤟😄😄

I assume you're...excited, right? If so, you might've got me in the first half.

(2 edits)

Hehe. Excited yes, nervous also yes.

 Anyway time to go back to the game. 👋


i do have a bit of a QoL suggestion. I do intend on going through each route but it does get a tad confusing to go through all the saves, i wonder if it would be possible to put a monster icon to each LI's corresponding monster i.e koku has a dodogama icon and ridge gets a tigrex icon


Hmm, now that you mention it, having multiple save files on hand does tend to get confusing after a while (I tend to keep one page of saves per character, but even I had a feeling that wouldn't be enough). A way to differentiate them might help.

But I think it's got me wondering about another thing:

With how far along the story is now, it kinda makes me wonder if a Chapter Select system could be implemented, if that's even remotely possible...


a chapter select is possible as the smoke room and killigan's treasure vns implements them. as for how to apply that feature, i dont know anything about that.

(1 edit) (+5)

Thanks for this suggestion!

I started looking into ways to do this and I am able to find a way to put your dateable's icon on the save file itself. Here is hoping I don't break the game while testing :> At least... not any more than I should have...

oh this is so cute, and perfect.


fellas, im scared. 


If it's due to the heavy emotions lingering in the air, I certainly understand. But if we are to see Leo, Jin, Joseph, Ridge, Koku and Runan smile again, then you know what must be done...


Me too buddy, me too.


Same here. ;-;

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I think it goes without saying that there should be no spoilers here in the public comment section without spoiler tags.


im lowkey afraid to touch the game after the last update 😬 

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