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The game needs more slots because i had to tipid, tipid my save files.


I would like to suggest if you could enhance the gameplay for unlock the save slot limit? Considering the complexity of the game which includes six characters. The current number seems to be insufficient. It restricts explore and rewatch the character interactions, which are important to visual novel.


Hi, after finishing the latest update, I decided to write my review (Spoiler Alert)

This update divided into two parts allowed for an evolution of the characters, especially with the addition of their past, and this led me to think that one day they might see their parents again who perhaps are still alive, but missing somewhere in the world. At the end of day 13 you see the character of the route looking for the Mandragora, only to hear something or someone approaching and a splash. This makes me think of a mysterious attacker who could be a wild monster, a hunter, or someone else from the Guild.

Looking at the remaining spaces in the image galleries I think there are 3 CGs missing for each character.

It confuses me that on day 12 the protagonist says that the next day he would have to return to the Guild after two weeks of stay. He was supposed to return to the Guild on Day 14, not Day 13.

I only have one criticism regarding Runan's character: his dialogues are a bit repetitive. Whenever he appears he often says "Hmph" and things like "It's not like I'm thinking of *what he would mean*".

I conclude by asking if in the end there will only be 6 paths available, because I have met characters who have captured my liking and who I would like to have their own path. I'm talking about Leia and Nasher, despite their initial, how shall I put it... complicated ways, they are two kind True Wyverians. Then there is the Elder (of whom no one has deigned to give him a concrete name) with his wisdom and friendliness, and finally Garu, who is aesthetically better than his son.

PS: If I had to name the Elder, the only name I can think of for him is Haoyu.

Thank you for the feedback! Allow little old me to answer a few of your questions:








One thing I will get on immediately. The game right now will NOT add any additional love interests as it is already too deep into the story, and inserting them at the end will only prove to be more difficult. This is just to set expectation that as with everything, not everyone will be available and will only be there for support on specific character/s. We don't want to lead anyone on as we keep getting requests to add more date-ables so we just want to set this in stone.

Runan is more of a stereotype. His attitude is very much intentional as he is suppose to be paper cut in terms of who he is. So his wordings and attitude may not change, unless 90% of everyone here just wants to drop the guy :<

The Elder not having a name, similar to the housekeeper, is more of an homage to older monster hunter games where relevant characters do not have a name (Even as far up to MH World). Fun fact, if you name yourself as a default name "Scriviner", some dialogs change when they address you usually by name, as we think it is still something that we want to keep. So overall, he does not canonically have a name other than the Elder. 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

99% of early Runan behavior is stereotypical tsundere, but that behavior is usually supposed to be "outer shell", so to speak. Will we get to Runan's inner sweetness? If answer is yes, then I don't think anybody will want any changes.


I stumbled on this VN and GOSH. I am in love with this!! I started out with Runan and ended up trying Jin and Leo's routes as well. Gosh they are all so handsome and lovable in their own ways. Enamored with the story and their hot designs. Looking forward to future updates ~


The update is amazing. Loved each of their routes as well as the info they gave. I just wish for more. why must there be such a strong cliff hanger

Deleted 147 days ago

I feel like I should ask privately, so do you guys have Discord or something? I also found some misspellings I think you'd like to know about.

Misspellings are gonna be an often occurance since the game is still in development and we do appreciate the help for everyone that can point them out for us since they tend to go under the radar when we test it. 

You can comment on the respective devlog for any bugs or misspellings so we can go through them like a list, making sure its the right version as well.

- Roda -


I really loved the update! My fav is definitely that flirty Leo. XD

(1 edit)

RodaBlackfang I Don't have a twitter to ask this but I saw that you posted holiday wallpapers for the cast and I was wondering if you could post higher quality versions (maybe with and without the text and white lines?!) Twitter seemed to destroy the quality of them especially joesphs :(. 

I really enjoy your guys work and am always looking forward to new updates! 

just a shame that twitter destroys artwork by converting to jpg and giving it heavy compression artifacts


Please be reminded to tag your comments with spoilers for those you would like to comment on an event/scenario/dialogue/character in the game to avoid spoiling other's experiences if its something that you yourself are surprised by.

- Roda -


omg! the new update is amazing! i love the backstories <3

Nunca joguei esse tipo de jogo antes boyksks por isso pensei que escolhia o gênero dando um nome feminino pro personagem xd 

Agora o nome do cara é "Manuela", aliás, belo jogo, tô amando jogar ele! 👀



(1 edit) (+2)

(Spoiler Ahead)

So I just finished Jin's Day 13 and after reading his backstory there is a peculiar individual that peeked my interest. It's the notorious scarlet mystery man. As a long time fan of Monster hunter series and played a few games of it, I'm a bit familiar with this guy and I must say he is still mysterious in this one Lol. There's a lot of speculation about who he is and I'm curious how you'll fully introduce him in this VN since it seems like he is quite an important character here or at least in Jin's story. Also there's that Scrivener too and that's why Gerald knew what a scrivener is. Lastly that to be continued is cruel.

(Spoilers Ahead)

Hi it's me again! I just finished Joseph's Day 13 and that when I realized that why in Jin's backstory the attacker is a Silver and gold rath? Why not an Amatsu? I mean the reason why Zinogre is in misty peaks in first place is because of Amatsu since it droved them away from the mountains where it initially lived. Im not saying that what you made right now is not great, in fact I don't care who attacked Jin and his Mom since the result will still be the same but I guess I felt that its a missed opportunity. Still the game is great and hope to see the next update because like I said before that to be continued is just too cruel.

(2 edits)

















It is because amatsu is located at a special area, far from the village itself. And the quest does actually exist in game, the one mentioned in his memory. Its just re imagined. It is also I got inspired by a Youtube Video that mentioned this scarlet mystery man. Originally, I was gonna make it way more different, but after that video, I got a better idea on how to aproach his whole story.

- Roda -

(1 edit)

Good point, nonetheless I'll be waiting excitedly how you'll be expanding the scarlet man.

It's always a pleasure to read updates for this VN, and it was so nice getting to learn about everyone's backstory! 😁

Might I suggest horizontally flipping the CG of Joseph on Day 11 so xou can see his face better? It's kinda hidden behind the name thinga-ma-bob, and he has such a handsome face, no reason to hide it~ 😌


You can hide interface in all game versions for exactly that reason.

I know this. I just made the suggestion because we'd at least be able to see his expression change if the picture was flipped 😋 as it is, feels more like we're talking to his dick


I mean...


I just finished Joseph's route and I must say I quite agree with you. It does look like we are talking to his dick and not to him lol. I mean there' s nothing wrong with that but wjo doesn't like to see his handsome face.


i really want to make a joke rn but it's pretty bad XD


Deleted 14 days ago
(1 edit)

Hopkeeper Games have their DMs open on Twitter, so you could try that


Can you add the ability to go past 9 save pages


If i may ask, Why??
Also I'm like.. 50% sure the 9 Pages is a renpy thing??


That would be really cool, I always use way too much saves.

Yeah, I also use a lot of saves and would appreciate more slots


I noticed in the log book that Tigrex is labeled as brute wyvern. Although Tigrex is not good at flying, it actually belongs to flying wyvern in Monster Hunter


Oh, thank you for this! Will go ahead and change this for the next update. I believe this was something I forgot to change waaaay before because I did the Deviljho and then just copied the coding for everyone else. Must have missed it.

Also, maybe this is a Mandela effect, but I vaguely remember Tigrex flying to move from location to location in MHFU. I hope I ain't crazy!

- Roda - 

Yes, in the previous Monster Hunter, many monsters moved to other areas by flying. Tigrex could fly, and even Rajang would move like this


Damnit. I really hate really getting into a novel and hitting a to be continued. But that speaks to how much I'm enjoying it. Great work guys.

Leo's rout day 11 has been an error message screen

(1 edit)

Can you provide us more details of the bug? Please comment the details over on the respective devlog. Please add a screenshot as well so we can figure out the reason. Thank you


If you can sleep with monster friends.Which character will you choose? I will choose Ridge.

Joseph for me lol

I want to know Rosa will choose which one lol

Ridge as well for me easy

I have no idea if it's a software error or my phone, but the game closes itself whenever it wants, making me start over from the last save!

(1 edit) (+1)

It's just the way renpy games behave on older devices with insufficient processing power. Try manually shutting down anything working in the background. Although it's comparatively light and well optimized game. Maybe renpy vns are just not for your device?

(1 edit)

I agree with above. I personally have a Samsung A11 phone for my everyday life stuff and this phone cannot keep a VN open for more than 10 mins. And not even the heavy ones too. It usually means the phone cannot handle it so it just shuts it down.

- Roda -


I just wanted to ask out of curiosity 


When Runan ask us what flaver we prefer. At the end of this build before teling us his backstory Runan says one of the tastes and what he thinks we like, how did you get to such answers such as sweet = deep kissing. I am just curious if you made it up or if it's something true ( I don't think it's true but you never know). 

good job making this update now knowing their backstory helped knowing what happened to them in the past and to ampathize with them. take your time for the next update and good luck and have a good day/night (depends when you are reading this) :)

And sorry for my english. 





















It is mostly from personal experience and random conversations with friends. These are just some funny quirks me and my friends thought about randomly while bored that I genuinely thought was interesting. As a Foodie myself, I can kinda see the relation between the two different kinds of tastes. 

But it is no more than just a little banter. Something similar to like a personality test.

- Roda -

Thx you for answering 


I want to know what happened in the end of DAY13.

(This review gives away the plot)

Who fell in the water? Our monster friends? A mysterious person who follows them and push them into the water? I'm worried about their safety.

(1 edit) (+1)

Please be reminded to tag your comments with spoilers for those you would like to comment on an event/scenario/dialogue/character in the game to avoid spoiling other's experiences if its something that you yourself are surprised by.

- Roda -


More to see from the crocodile

team Joseph

Fixed a bug where checking Ridge's Gallery before revealing his orientation would crash. 

- Roda - 

(1 edit)

Question: When I download the newest update, is it okay for me to delete the folders on my computer containing the previous updates? Or would that result in progress being lost?


1. Saves are kept separately from game as far as renpy is concerned.

2. Using saves from old versions in renpy games is not advised. Skipping through everything you've seen on a fresh save is the best way to avoid bugs and errors.

(3 edits)

Oh. When I play the new updates, I just make pick up from a save file I made at the end of the previous update and continue where I left off. I haven’t encountered any bugs or errors, but maybe that’s just dumb luck

(1 edit)

Happy Easter everybody!


Please please please let us date The Elder I beg of you. Ahem This is a very pleasant reading and it shows how much care you all have for this project. I hope you all continue working on this and good luck!

Btw, I’m experiencing a bug with Ridge journal entry. After it updates I can’t access it anymore and it shows a error screen when I click it.

Can you provide us more details of the bug? Please comment the details over on the respecrive devlog. Please add a screenshot as well so we can figure out the reason. Thank you

This starting happening after his entry updated after meeting him for the first time

(1 edit) (+1)

I was able to recreate this bug earlier. I just uploaded the fixed version. Thanks for letting us know!

Just for reference, please report bugs in the respective devlogs so we can keep track of which parts we need to prioritize and fix.

- Roda -


I hate myself because I see all the update content at once, then I run out of content



Yes! It’s time to go back to my favorite tsundere dragon! Thank you guys!

Okay, so Runan break his tsundere character in the last day. But it was kind of cute, so I’m not complaining. Now waiting for him to melt and confess his feelings))


I'm only through Jin and Runan's parts of the updates so far, but I need some sleep so I'm gonna write my thoughts now. I really like this update so far. I'm a little mixed on the memories stuff. They are done really well, but I wasn't expecting things to get kinda dark. I am really enjoying learning more about the characters and their back stories though. That said, the cliffhanger is criminal lol. I'm gonna be anxiously awaiting the next update. Thanks for your continued hard work on this VN!


Glad you're enjoying the update so far! The purpose of the Memories is not clear just yet, but it's something that will be brought up more in future updates. As they are called, these are just memories. Something to give more character to everyone while also telling a little story about the world of monster hunter. We hope you continue to Enjoy!
PS:  Not all memories, including ones in the future, will be dark. Really just a coincidence you chose both of them first haha

Welp, yeah i think i managed to choose them in exactly the saddest to least sad order now that I've read them all.




How can I download if I have a cromebook






i absolutly love this! it has an amazing story so far and i like how you can pick who to visit!

(3 edits)

So, if the game is available on Android, could it also be available on IOS?


Theoretically yes, in the same way Sileo is, but is it even worth it?

we were thinking about it before but without an IOS phone between me and DaSinBun or our friends, it will be hard to test and even more to debug. We might not add an IOS version unless we expand.

- Roda -

(1 edit)

Okay. I was really only asking if it was possible. I’m not a “techy” kind of person so I don’t know.


Not into MXM but I have to say, your art style is phenomenal! WELL DONE!

Also, I have to ask, any particular reason they're Monster Hunter anthro's?

I'm cool with all of it, just curious if there was any specific reason for it.

Regardless, I'll tell my loved ones who're into MXM aboot this for ya! XD

And for real, absolutely phenomenal artwork! The style's SO eye-catching!



"This is a Free Non-Canon fangame and was made as a passion project for those Monster Hunter fans that are also Furries/Scalies/Monster-lovers."

Does that count as sufficient explanation?

Ah, sorry, I was probably high again. Still, excellent looking game, and I already sent it to my buds, a few of them already love it. THANKS!

(4 edits) (+2)

> if there was any specific reason for it

Why not?... Guys just fans of a franchise and probably wanted to just show their respect towrds it. Frankly thfe MH universe is rich with its lore and can be a fertile ground for variety of different stories.

Also, since you are not a fan of furry mxm, these games were oversaturated with mostly wolves (and other real anthropomorphic animals) so people were craving for something more mythical and exotic, and you hardly can go more exotic as far as MH bestirary goes.


That's totes cool by me, though it does mean I have trouble finding werewolf games I can enjoy, but meh, my loved ones are enjoying this game, so it's all good in my book! Still, sorry for posting under the influence (PUI!) my stoner ass apologizes to y'all! And again, LOVE the art style! It'd work for OVERWATCH and LoL as well, in my opinion.

(1 edit)

i have a question. every time i try to do jins route i get the " i didnt talk to anyone " and leave even tho i use ever chance to talk to him ( i only get one love point for some reason even tho theres not other choices and i have to do all 3 questions when asking about him can i get some help?? or is this because his part isint implimented yet? 

It probably means you said something wrong, keep trying! :3

but the issue is there is barely any option  to go near him or talk to him?? i only can like twice and i have to use all of the chat options  besides one that is " ask again " which i know to avoid since " leave it be and apologize " gets a love point ( the only one i got ;v; ) and i have to use all the dialogue options when repairing the door like " his job. ask about him. ask about the village " and i get no other options to talk to him

A Tip: house

thank you! i got help from one of the devs and got it! :) 

(2 edits) (+3)



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