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Oh, man, the next update is out? I've gotta see this!

oh hey, its Rinwell!

(1 edit)

Haha, so you're Tales of player, too? I suppose you know the scene where this picture is from, right?

My knowledge of Japanese role playing games is vast and deep ^_^

Tales of Arise is one if the worst Tales Of games in my humble and totally not objective opinion, so unfortunately yes, i know

But thats a discussion for a different comment section I suppose 

I know it's a bit silly to ask this now, but when the game is finished developing, will they translate it into more languages? I'm a Spanish speaker and I loved the game, and I would like to be able to play it in Spanish (I'm not asking for it, it's just my opinion)


I know I can't speak for the devs, but I think I remember them mentioning that they likely don't have the resources nor the experience to translate the game into another language as of yet.

Even if they could, you might find yourself waiting longer than you would expect, if at all.

For a game like this I can wait until 2030 :v


i played through all the routes, and i loved your omage to phoenix write for the trial. But out of all the men, i ended up getting attached to koku alot more than i expected. I love that chubby blue dragon.


I would really like if koku's dad got content for himself, even if is just a little bit more, maybe even been able to get intimate with him... Now i'm just imaginating things...

I'm sure we can develop a much grander rapport with Garu in Koku's path.

But... Well, umm... Considering that Garu's significantly older than Koku, scenes of intimacy with the father might be pushing it... Joseph notwithstanding.


Is there any date for the next chapter, I JUST WANTED TO MARRY JOSEPH 😭😭😭💔💔

(1 edit)

I remember them saying hopefully by the end of this week, so you might not have to wait long.


I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the game and was curious if there was a way I could look over the script released so far? There are a handful of grammatical errors and typos especially in chapter 3 and I'd be interested in trying my hand at proofreading it in my spare time!

I agree with the handful of grammatical errors.


Unfortunately, we cannot release the script entirely since it includes some spoilers for the following chapters (like Sprite WIPS or some comments).  However, we appreciate any proofreading and grammatical corrections since, despite us trying our best, English isn't our strong suit... We apologize if errors take away from the experience, but we plan on proofreading as much as possible when reaching 0.9 - 1.0. For now, our focus is mainly on the plot, characters, and a few surprises here and there.

In the meantime, you can always leave grammatical corrections on our devlogs (This is to ensure that we know where this grammatical error started).

Also, I would just like to add since we prefer our game to be fully blind (so that everyone has an equal chance of enjoying the game), it's mostly me (Roda) and Dasinbun to proofread. And reading the same things over and over does make it difficult to find these mistakes. :( 

I was looking just for a transcription of what's in the publicly released game so far, not for anything you're still working on. I've done two runs and intend to finish the story with the other characters as well, and when I finished I was gonna take a closer look at the text and start rooting out typos.

I totally understand, though. I don't want to impose myself on your workflow, and I'm also not looking to get sneak peeks or spoilers or anything. It's just that this game's story and the characters have hooked me and I want to see it be the best it can be, and understand how looking at the same stuff over and over can make it easy to miss mistakes. I'm eagerly awaiting the coming updates!

im trying to go through and finish the cg gallery, but i cant find the first Jin CG, after his biography and the zinogre entry. any tips?

You mean the very first CG?  I think that means in Chapter 1, you'll have to spend all three days with Jin. Assuming you've made all the right choices, you'll see a special event that should unlock the CG.

Youre right- realized which CG it was, i think my game just glitched and didnt mark it as seen in the log book. Sorry and thank you!

for the upcoming update. I just wanna say,  I'm excited but nervous as well



my poor boy koku... :( He didn't deserve what had happened in chapter 3 man.


FR he is too cute for this 🥺


he's too adorable for the entirety of being framed for murder.


My heart hurts watching episode 3 over and over again, it makes me sad to see them fall apart in front of us, but I want to do everything I can for the boys, I want to make the admiral disappear, anyways this VN is sooooooo good i really want to know whats next 🥺🥺 keep up the good work!


"I told you to slay the beasts! Not lay the beasts!"

So... My "Log book" resets every time I close the game. Is this happening to everyone? Because I didn't see anyone saying anything here in the comments... (I suppose it is but better ask than assume)


This is by far the BEST VN i have played, and yes, I  created an account just to comment about it! The characters are unique, and the story gave me so many emotions, Excitement, Happiness, Sadness..... horniness..... anyway, I look forward for this to continue! I love your work so much! If you have any other game recommendations, please tell me! I love games like these! (Ngl, chapter 3 made me actually cry, the amount of emotion and effort put into this game is incredible, especially knowing the fact that there aren't many people working on it)

If you want suggestions, then maybe "Remember the Flowers"?

(3 edits)

I've played most the fur VNs on itch and my suggestion is "Roads Yet Traveled" its my favorite. Like the art is a bit off putting at a glance but if you try it you'd probably love it

Bro, I'm addicted to it now, I love it so much! How the hell did I not know it existed??? it's so good! Tysm for telling me about it


Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy holiday 🎆 🎁


No! Nooooo! Not again! Will I never be free!?

*Crumples to the floor, tormented by visions of updated autopsy reports*


Anyway, I had a great time reading through the vn so far :3

Will there be a route with Nasher?

(2 edits) (+1)

I hate to break it to you, but Leo, Jin, Joseph, Ridge, Koku and Runan are the only ones we can get close to. I'm pretty sure adding another character route would require a lot more time and work as it would drastically alter the story and any other events that occur.

And let's not forget that they would require their own CGs, and all that other stuff since they have their own unique histories, personalities, and many other factors.

So yeah, as far as the game itself and the development process goes, I can't really see any additional routes being added, even if it were somehow possible. But one can imagine, right?


This VN caught me off guard, currently going through the trial and it's fucking amazing I didn't expect the Ace Attorney references at all lmao


To be honest, I have very strong doubts about the origin of the True Wyverians. In the game they say that not even they know their origins, some have abilities that refer to their monsters, others do not. However, what I say is that I do not think that the very first True Wyverians appeared out of nowhere. I do not know if you are familiar with Monster Hunter Stories, the spin-off of the Monster Hunter series, there exist the Raiders, humans who coexist with monsters and who fight alongside them. My theory is that the very first True Wyverians were born through experiments with humans and monsters, combining their cells, disfiguring their bodies and thus giving birth to this new race that we know. "Why would they do that?", you are wondering, well... I think that the scientists who created the first True Wyverians lived in a Raider village and that they had ambitions. They wanted to make humans and monsters closer, both mentally and physically.

What do you think? Do you also have doubts about their origin?


> My theory is that the very first True Wyverians were born through experiments with humans and monsters,

Somehow I doubt monster hunter tribes have access to that technology.


My friends? New things ? plz T_T


Look, I would like to see the next update as much as the next person, but the devs have got their hands full with things going on in their daily lives, if you haven't heard.

So just be patient for a little while longer, okay? I'm sure they're doing their best.

I don't remember reading anything about them stopping for so long and that worried me a little. (Yes, I read that they were taking a short break to rest but that we would have a chapter by the end of the year.)
I've noticed a lot of projects being frozen for years =/ this is kind of complex, but this need to at least add some post even if it's just with words is nice to keep everyone aware that "they're still among us"  
Anyway, I believe there are a lot of people excited since the vn is very well developed :p


Oh, I assure you that they're still there. They might be quite active on Twitter, for what it's worth.

Look at this post they made on December 3.



That is cool, i speaked about post here... in oficial game page, in fact i need see the news in twiter :p


The game got me so depressed to the point where I cope with Ena5 ;(

(1 edit) (+2)

Still more uplifitng than 80% of other fvns



PS: sorry for the tantrum, but I need to get this shi out 😭😭😭 because tell me why JUST WHY!!!?? I was enjoying my time romancing ridge but the FUVKERS. HOW DARE THEY BURN THE FVCKING VILLAGE!!! SOMEONE GIVE ME A FVCKING SWORD AND I WILL SLICE THESE BASTARDS INTO PIECES!!!!!!!


Please someone tell me how can I go past this without the village burning 😢

(1 edit) (+1)

just sellect your self


Ok I tried the third option where mc will stay, but.. 


Life is not daijobu.. the elder frickin died man.. is the sky crying or am I? Huh.. I guess both.. ;~;


I read it whole, at first sign I just thought is was a romance game, but the third episode... It changes everything. I loved that it's Ace Atterney like, it was fun until... we won. Seems like we are gonna see a lot of character development in the future. At least I hope Leo won't stay all careless and playfull... it just doesn't feel right, not after everything


Give me a shotgun I'm gonna end that blue hat wearing guy myself... he made my Joseph depressed. !!!!!!! 

Amazing game thought looking foward to see where the story heads now.


hahahaa, you mean using spread ammo at your heavy bow gun?


im really want to cry about jin background 
the entry story is dope

I completed everything and chapter 3 is basically for the main part the same but with slight word changes.


You know, I'm really curious to know what the page with the illegible words in the old Scrivener's notes actually says.

I reached only end of kind of prologue(?) (where you meet all the characters) so far, but I already love that game. So very-very catchy and admiring piece, I'm fascinated that this done on renpy.

Hope updates will be done before I reach the end of actual version)


We are still working on the next update and its gonna be another big one. But life gets in the way hard for both of us, with both College and work, being the Christmas season and all...
So hope we can pull through this month!

duh life's hard sometimes)

ANYWAY. I'll be waiting for the future updates, your game already took a certain place in my mind (if I could say so) and it is not very common~


The game is really good and quite charming, my only complaint is that the part where you have to prove your chosen monster's innocence is not skippable so that is a little repetitive if you want to do all the routes.

You can actually fast forward through most of it, aside from the areas you need to make choices and where the dialog changes between routs. You just need to hold down Ctrl


not gonna lie the story is peak

Forgive me for the question, is this game NSFW?

(3 edits) (+2)

Yeah, it certainly is, and there's even an 18+ warning (though there are no...spicy scenes as of yet). Even the devs themselves said as such, so I wouldn't recommend playing this game if you're not old enough or if you are averse to NSFW content.


The game doesn't feature explicit sexual content yet, but it has topics and scenarios that are not suitable for all ages.


Heya, I've just started playing the game and it's honestly looking really great so far. I do have one question that I can't seem to find specific info on in the comments or in game. I've been wondering how old all the true wyvarians are? If it's meant to be a reveal later on or spoilers than I can completely understand.


We wanted to hide the exact age of all the villagers until the end, but you can assume the dateables are about 20-40 ish (I don't think I need to specify who the oldest one is). This is mostly so we can be sure of the timeline of events since we are also working on backstories and info about them in the background.

True Wyverians, in general, do age slightly longer than humans, up to 150 years. The explanation can be found in the logbook which you can check it out anytime.

Hello, I'm unable to launch the game. When I click on the .exe file, a text document pops up, which contains the following content:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

After loading the script.

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\\udcc0\udcee\u0365\u0629\\AppData\\Roaming/RenPy/tokens\\upgraded.txt'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 359, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 513, in main


  File "renpy/", line 256, in upgrade_all_savefiles

    with open(upgraded_txt, "a") as f:

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\\udcc0\udcee\u0365\u0629\\AppData\\Roaming/RenPy/tokens\\upgraded.txt'

Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64


Help!!! I was lost and end up finding a Village full of Monsters!

Sun Nov 24 20:09:45 2024

This seems to be an error relating to permissions on your computer, as this does not seem to be a common bug. I do have a few suggestions after a quick search; however, I am unsure exactly how to fix this until I recreate it.

- Run the game via administrator
- Move the location of the game to another folder where you have full access to
-  Redownload the game to a different folder as it might have corrupted files (A bit unlikely since it's zipped, but may work)


Thank you so much!I ran the game via administrator and it finally worked!!!

For future bugs, please comment on the version devlogs.


Hey does anybody know if there is a way to tell whether you got a bad or good ending?, (besides assuming I mean) because I did a Runan playthrough and I cant tell by just the ending alone.

(5 edits) (+2)

As far as I know, I know that there are three bad endings you could get (there might be more). You would be on the right track on your route if you saw "To Be Continued," at the very end, but otherwise...

Spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.

1st Bad Ending (Days 4-7)

You do not spend at least three days with the villager of your choice.

2nd Bad Ending (Day 14)

You have one of the felynes stay behind instead of yourself.

3rd Bad Ending (Day 17)

You make too many mistakes in the trial.

A bad ending would be signified by a wall of text against a black background. Not to mention that the overall tone of the text is highly ominous. I should know, since I inadvertently got the second one in a reckless fashion...

(1 edit) (+1)

This is to confirm the above. 

tldr, if you reach a To Be Continued, that is the end of the update, not an ending. 

Ahh ok thank you I just couldn't tell at the time because it seemed ominous, so thanks a ton I heavly appreciate it because it would've eaten away at me.


I love this story and I laughed when I saw the fact it was a Phoenix Right style in chapter 3, I was not expecting that.
Also, question for everyone, do you ever get that feeling when you already have a love interest you wanna end up with but then after going through another route you fall in love with an character that you start to question which one you wanna have as your canon lover? ...Cuz I am...with Jin and Runan

(1 edit) (+1)

I can't really blame you for feeling that way. I mean, all six of 'em are very much admirable in their own ways. Their personalities make them so charming (Leo might need some getting used to, though)!

If you ask me? I really like (or love) all six of them! They're all so precious, and I would do anything to make them happy!

I really hope I can invite them out later on in the future...


Oh hey, its Edelgard!


Haha, glad to see another FE: TH player here! (Though I was mostly referring to the teatime minigame here)


Very good story so far! I'm very intrigued to know what comes next. However, I do admit that I didn't really enjoy the whole "trial" thing, but everything else has been great. I heavily look forward to the next chapter!

(1 edit) (+1)(-7)

This was a very interesting story. However, the author's lack of understanding of legal trials made the second half really tough to slog through. For instance, in Japanese and Western-style courts (which this seems to be mimicking, in homage to Ace Attorney), the burden of proof is always on the prosecution. You also cannot hold a population responsible for the actions of a single member and enact group punishment; this is literally a war crime. It's also a serious crime to withhold evidence from the defense. The defense is also entitled to voir dire any perspective witnesses ahead of time, and both sides are required to provide a list of all witnesses. If this was not attempting to mimic Ace Attorney, these nitpicks would not matter much. I would urge the author to consult someone with more knowledge of legal trials in any future revisions. 

(3 edits) (+2)

The following is a response to above, mostly explain intentions and our thought process since we have thought about this before writing. It is... rather long since we just want to be clear and firm. Apologies if I overexplain myself:

While I appreciate the critique about the legal proceedings in chapter 3, I would like to say the entire event is just a more dramatic way to explain a rather tense situation. It is not meant to mimic any official legalities of real-life law, especially since the game does not have the same rules that govern us (to an extent as some of the parts I added in writing are non-canon to the source material).

While yes, it is supposed to be a reference to AA gameplay and art-wise, it is just only that. A massive reference. I wrote this in a sense to answer a question I had while brainstorming a year ago: "How would a trial work if it is not official, yet handled by officials?" to which I ignored all presumptions of rules that usually prolong stories like these and made it so that each character is doing this just because of emotion and pride especially since the parties involved are nowhere near the profession that they are supposed to mimic. This is the equivalent of a veteran, a police man, and a private investigator making their own courtroom. Because of that, I may not change the process and proceeding if I am to edit this section. I may clarify some moments after I get a better idea, but overall, it is not a legal trial because it is not the right people, yet it is a reasonable action at the time and conflict if we consider the setting.

Ace Attorney, which does have the same governed rules as us, means that they have to follow the law that is the same as ours. Preparing witnesses and evidence and exchanging info are mainly required and, most of all,  legal. However, other than preparing evidence, it is not a luxury everyone is allowed in the situation I made. While, yes, legalities are essential as a reference, so are the setting and the situation in which I placed them. Which to be fair, the Scriviner did say later on that "this is not a real trial" since the intention is not to incriminate them but rather knowing what actually happened. 

I want to explain myself on this as I expected; specifically, some would critique the Chapter 3 event as not being "correct" to real-life law, which is my intention. I wouldn't say I like it being too close to reality. If I am to mimic it and do actual research, this entire update will take many months to be accurate (as I do not have any friends in the legal business, especially the... niche of the situation.), and I do not want to force our readers to go through several unnecessary steps to explain and wait especially since the wait for this update was already too long.  That, and I mostly just wanted to surprise people. Besides, that entire event is just 10-20% of the game, so it is not a focus to be so accurate as everyone is already screaming at me for monster seggs. 

Hope this helps clear it up!


I can understand that. It just really dragged on and was not very self evident how to proceed at several points. I had to resort to brute forcing it in the end. If it can't be made more legally accurate, maybe it can be made to flow better. 

If you're talking about gameplay, we did add a Guide  that is available in our development log. While brute forcing is fine, as this is a visual novel and you can brute force anything there, we didn't want to lower the difficulty as we want it still be somewhat challenging. The flow might be revisited in the future, but that still mostly will be better explanations and maybe more hints if we are to add new content (Which to be fair, if you do question a certain line, it will show a hint so we thought it would be enough).

Maybe also because we are not really the best English speakers/writers and I genuinely sometimes think I am dyslexic with how I write and talk recently :v


As I said before, I really do like the story. I also really appreciate the artwork. You all did a great job. I look forward to the revisions in the future that improve the game.

One thought I had was a way to use the trust system to double as a sort of resource for hints, if the player needs them. Right now, you only lose trust if you make a wrong guess. Maybe you could also deliberately spend one of your trust points to get a hint. This would maintain the difficulty but allow us to get in-game hints if we need them. It could also serve as a way to get insight into what the main character is thinking at the time, how his mind functions. This might make the gameplay a bit more dynamic, too. Add a bit of a risk vs. reward mechanic.


Interesting proposition. I will consider this when I recheck the codes for the Chapter 3 event. For now, the Guide will suffice during development. Thank you for your insights!


This is a fictional world tho, it doesn’t have to bend to the real one.


Sure but it still creates some logical inconsistencies. Aside from that, when you have a world where the rules are different, it’s important to lay them out ahead of time, especially if you’re mimicking an actual Japanese court. This is a part of world building that’s important. 


> Aside from that, when you have a world where the rules are different, it’s important to lay them out ahead of time

No, not really. Majority of readers have enough intelligence to pick up those rules on the fly as they witness them in action firsthand. “Laying rules ahead of time” is called “info-dumping”, and its a narrative tool that is rightfully criticized by both readers and writers alike.

That aside, game never explicitly tells that it try to mimick any sort of court. I’m not sure if you have noticed that or not, but societies in monster hunter universe aren’t exactly modern and progressive, and expecting a civilization that is stuck somewhere in stone age to be up to par to modern law rules is ridiculous.


There are ways to lay out rules and world build without info dumping. Info dumping is just the least talented way to do it. It can be incorporated into the story in ways that make sense and are interesting. 

The court scene is mimicking Ace Attorney (which is confined by the author), which takes place in a Japanese court. But there’s more to it than just legal rules. There are many logical inconsistencies. It’s still an overall good story. I look forward to the changes that will come. 


If i may ask, when's the last time you played an AA Game?


my old saves do work for certain routes (with some dialog misplacement, and my old Jo route save basically making me need to replay the whole game just to get to the point I was at in it, as I am doing all the character routes on different saves) but otherwise, the saves in this game are fairly hardy to updates!


My old saves nearly never worked, but maybe it's android thing.


perhaps. *shrug*

Deleted 133 days ago

Old saves are not compatible with the new update due to updating Renpy versions. Because of this, you would need to start fresh to avoid any bugs.

As for skipping the event, that will be implemented in the next update along with some other changes to music and sprites. However, right now, the event cannot be skipped outside of using the skip button (or pressing shift/ctrl on the keyboard


How do you guys managed to get jin's route on day 4 and day 5 on android, it seem mines skip to runan go to joseph house


Hmmm... Well, on Day 5, did you ask Jin if you wanted to visit where he lives? It's a detail quite a few people glossed over the first few times.


Yes but it still gives the same result

(2 edits) (+1)

Your choices before this day matters. When visiting the construction area, be sure to ask on checking out Jin's house. If Jin says "ask Leo" instead of a reincheck, this means you did not hang out with him on prev days or did not choose the right responses. This is already a sign that you are locked out of his route. His route is purposefully made a bit harder to reach because of his mannerisms. Make sure to save often so you can reload if you ever make a mistake.

And in case some wonder, your dateable is not available all the time. Some days your dateable will not be available at all, because they are busy.


love the references to other games/VNs like Doki Doki Literature club! :D Hope you have more references!


also, koku is my beloved just as Sissel is my beloved in Repeat!

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