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it was so sad and it made me cry almost all day


yeah! right?

(1 edit)


I just love that the court became Phoenix Wright GG. 🎀

(2 edits)

i was all giddy when i saw that, i totally loved that part well written too! kudos to roda. the art is stunning! great job DaSinBun!

I caught this on Leo's day 18, idk if it's fixed or not so here

also how fucking dare you sir the audacity


Omg I am so blind... will upload a fix for this.


Uploaded a fix for this. Thanks for letting us know!

also I'm sorry I finished the route in like 4am my head was very groggy so I forgot to mention, but during the whole scene (you know, the whole  thingamajig) the characters' sprites weren't in their correct positions, even went off-screen. I think it might be me pressing Enter repeatedly to skip texts so the sprites didn't have time to move into place. I only got to see the sprites correctly (I think) in the second act of the scene

(1 edit) (+1)

Will look into it but that sounds like an issue with the original save file from an old version of the game. I've been getting many reports like this that were results from old save files. Regardless, will keep testing but from our end, it doesn't seem to happen even after using the skip button.
Will keep exploring this.

I start with a new save and still encounter it. XP

It seems this bug is literally hidden since it affects only a few phones and tablets, as testing it from our end seemed fine. That's why it took me a while to find it.

The game has been updated and this part should be fixed. Check my edit on the most recent devlog for details.


monster hunter wilds leaks look crazy

(1 edit)

By any chance the music for the new chapter. Is there a place i can find it because WOW it sounds great (I dont know if there is different music for the routes but its the new chapter in Jospeph route)


im soo happy about the update.. i love it so much!!!!! I'll be waiting for the next update.


IM SAD!! IM ACTULLY CRYING.... it took me soo long to play this and reach the end. I actually never suspect the ending will be that... I rate it 10/10 star, the best VN i ever read!! 


spoilers all of it don’t look down

Whyyyyy I chose the wrong option and now Jin hates me and I accidentally over saved the option ps I’m doing this on mobile so it a lot laggyer to speed up ahhhhhh I hope the story continues in which it’s all about healing ahhhhhh                                   

Ps love the vn❤️❤️ 

Pps will there be away to skip the trial I know I enjoy the mechanic but no joke because of it it took me about 7 hours to complete one of them still liked it 👍


The most recent update actually has the option of the FF:
After going through the first time and finishing it, if you press shift on desktop, it will skip. 
As for mobile, the skip button will be active.

We purposefully made it where you have to go through the first round in full experience, but if you do another route, it should be skippable.

Ahaha,7 hours?I finish two within 1 and half hours😂

it might be because I was focus on doing it without a guide and had to rest five times but still thank you for the update 

(1 edit) (+1)

Im not crying... YOU'RE CRYING T>T

In all my life have I never seen such talented story writing, each character has so much emotion to them you could convince someone this was based on a true story... 10/10  

Spoiler warning!













I found a bug during Ridge's testimony. If you question him on his 4th dialogue, first testimony after the  "..." one, an error screen appears after the Scrivinier says "That's fine, your description matches Jack..." (you can ignore it and continue, but I wanted to point it out)

Also, I have a little doubt about the dialogues when you go to talk with Gerald during the recess, 'cause it seems it is very similar in most cases when it should not be? For example, in Leo's route, it is said that him and Jin are at Runan's? But if Leo is the suspect, shouldn't he be detained elsewhere? In Ridge's route, it is said that Joseph dragged him to Garu's place, but shouldn't he be detained elswhere? idk, maybe I'm giving it too many twists, but I thought the hunters would have detained the suspect and took him to guard him.

Will look into this bug. Thanks!

Also, that is a good point, but I don't want to complicate things. Remember, they treat everyone that way, not just your dateable. 

I see I see, thanks for resolving that doubt!

Also, thanks for making this game! It is awesome and I have been engaged for a good while waiting for the updates. You don't see that many MH projects around and I'm really enjoying it, so I would love to keep seeing more of this! 

Whyyy him😭😭😭???

Oh How i didn't expect the ending...


Thank you for this update <3 It ruined my life and I teared up <33333 i feel awful s2 best experience i had

I  love this so muchh but can you make more save slots? i cant fit all my favorite moments in the save slots, its okay if ya dont either way i love these characters so much!!1

(1 edit) (-2)

im not asking for a spoiler by much but ive exhausted all the questions dialogs and there isnt anythying popping up to continue 

Hmm,maybe not using the evidence?


This update was simply incredible and with lots of tension. As always amazing writing story, character design, artwork and everything. I love it so much.


Ok... Spoiler alert

I wanna cry. 


This update has brought me to the brink in Jin's route. The update was great and i do love the reference heh. Wasnt expecting it and honestly glad to see it. Gave the VN a fun little brain teaser. Keep up the good work and have a relaxing break. But man, I need more days hahaha. Being greedy for this VN is ugh- hard

(1 edit)

Hi! Just played through the new chapter, and I'll say it was definitely... filled with emotion. But besides that, I'm not sure if this bug concerning Jin's route has been addressed yet though (spoilers).

On day 18 in Jin's route after bringing him to his house from the grave, Gerald's sprite is elevated to the point that you can't see most of his upper body for the entire conversation (It kinda looks like Gerald's standing on top of the table, lol). I've also attached a photo for you.

Just wanted to point this out. I've looked through the comments and haven't seen this bug been addressed (Unless I'm just blind). Is my boy Jin really that unpopular!? Either way, this VN is great and I definitely enjoyed it, thank you for all of you guys' hard work!

Oh this bug was actually fixed. Youre currently on 0.6, 0.6.1 fixes this.

I can't complete the story when this one is in the way

(1 edit)

I am sorry but the image you sent contains spoilers, even though it was a bug due to the naming of the files. However, I did understand the bug and will check it out, but can you scroll down and send it here again so we can see the rest of the traceback? Please mark it as spoiler as well. If we cannot find it from our end, we cannot fix it, so the full traceback is usually useful.

(1 edit)

Ah upon reviewing the code, you reloaded an old save file (At least from day 8 since the variable for this one is missing). Old save files might be buggy when reloading the game due to updated codings and such. Because of this, some variables might have been deleted when updating or continuing.

I suggest start over, utilizing the skip button, and continue from there. If the error persists, let me know. 

I want to again emphasize to everyone reading this to start your save file over first since Renpy is not update friendly when it comes to save files, be we do try what we can to minimize it.

I realise I have to start the game over again But thank you


Thank you for your hard work! I got emotional but also so glad I played this game...


The first time I saw this VN, I ignored it because it's a "fangame".
A few months ago, I decided to play it and was surprised with the quality.
And after update V 0.6, it's easily the best VN I have ever played.

Just take the 5 stars.

(4 edits)

Spoiler alert!!!!! (Please help me)

I need help, I got stuck on the third part of the trial. I have the damage armor and the armor lantch, But I don't know what to do anymore (I'm on Jin's route)

(1 edit)

There is a Guide in the devlogs.

Also that spoiler tag is so looooooong

Awesome Chapter but btw is the sprite for MC used during the new gameplay is that his official model/spirite

(1 edit)

to an extent, if DaSinBun is happy with it. Though it is specifically designed for the update so maybe 50% of it.


Wow chapter 3 was just brilliant and a true masterpiece! Love the game reference (won't spoil what it is) and wasn't expecting it! I loved it! Keep up the fantastic work! <3

How can I delete my saved data to start from scratch?


On desktop, hover over the saved data you want to delete and click "Del" on your keyboard. 

Otherwise, just clicking new game and saving over that file also works. 

I precisely wanted to delete a bunch of saves that I made by accident, so thank you very much for the info and great work improving the VN the soundtrack of each character is something that I did not expect and a beautiful addition

Spoiler alert!!!!! (Possibly.)

If you'll excuse me... I need to go cry for a few hours...

Please, PLEASE! I need another update soon! But also by all means take that rest.

(Also, if I didn't do the spoiler alert correctly, I apologise and please feel free to remove this comment if that's the case.)


Could there be a skip button for the new section in part 3? trying to go through it multiple times to go down each route feels like a slog to go through. That's really the only complain I have for this! Really loving the new update. Can't wait to see future updates!

After going through the first round, you are free to skip the game on PC using the shift button. I disabled this mostly since the coding for this section is a bit fragile. We want to release the game already since everyone wants to know what happens next, but I will be gradually adding/fixing a few details for the next couple of weeks, which includes the skip button

(3 edits)

spoiler alert(maybe)

i must say i dont really comment on visual novels but this update was a perfect mix of tragedy and comedy.

i like how you decide to reference another capcom game. Waiting to see zombies next lol.

sad to see elder dying. 

Excuse me but how did you manage to get through josephs statements i cant seem to get through it :(

(1 edit)

i personally went for ridges route so i cant say really. İt might be a bug.


Nevermind im stupid i know what happened omg thanks for the quick reply btw 

Here is my honest reaction with the update.

Spoiler Alert!!!!

I..... I don't know if I want to applaud you or hate you.... I liked that you made the whole scene into another game. That is well thought out but on.... the other hand the end is...... Im like... Why? Why him? How can I play the other routes when I already know what's gonna happen?! I fucking cried to that! I know that not every story has good ending but that's just not fair.... also that to be continued, you guys are doing it again.. you guys are cruel. 

Don't worry though I will still follow this to the very end and I'm gonna wait for the next update. Kudos to everyone who is part of this wonderful VN, you guys did a fantastic job in this update! Now if you excuse me, Im gonna cry my heart out now...

(1 edit)

spoiler alert (kind of):

that might be one of the best ace attorney references I've ever seen????? ong I laughed so hard the first time I saw it 10/10 keep up with the good work!!! cant wait for the next update

also while playing Jo's route I encountered an error while being in the last trial:

also also for some reason after I was done with Jo's route the game just randomly put me on day 8 tho it still shows as day 17 

(1 edit)

Oh dear will upload a fix immediately for this one. Just woke up to this revelation

Deleted 186 days ago

All I will say is y'all absolutely cooked with this one. Absolutely fantastic update


Quando inizia nuovi capitoli?


I thank you dearly for bringing Ridge into existence


Are there any fitish involved in this game?




Musk: at Runan's route, It's basically confirmed that he has a musk fetish, and even asks the player if he's "into musk".

Breeding, Daddy Kink, Age Gap: In Joseph's route, he wants to "breed" the player, he has daddy kink, and it seems he also has age gap kink.

I also think Leo has a Body Worship fetish, and I think in the future Jin may have (or have) Chest worship kink.

Ridge and Koku don't seem to have any fetishes at the moment.


Damn, even roda shocked 😂


10/10 bottom simulator I named my guy MacScryver and OH BOY was that a mistake

Deleted 192 days ago

This is extremely rude, Let them take their time with the VN. We wouldn't want them to feel Burnt-out or rush something Sub-par. So please, be patient and let them work their magic, i can speak from Experience that the more people say "Do This" or "Do that"/"Update" "Update now" leads to pressure and possibly a cancelation of the project entirely. I'm in no way associated with Hopkeeper, but i hope they agree with me on this, and i'm sure other VN studios will as well


It takes time to make amazing content like this so pls stop rushing them. As the saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day".

Can i ask the name of the song you used in Runan's backstory?

(1 edit) (+1)

The music used in Runan's story is by Motoyuki-sensei in Dova music (

- Roda - 

Thank you


i love all the characters! am i the only one who likes the elder too tho???


I have a very unhealthy addiction to the Elder.

im glad im not the only one! lol

F 😢

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