Bug Fixes - 0.6.1

EDIT: Uploaded 0.6.2, which fixes small grammatical errors and small QOL on mobile.

Okay I genuinely think I am dyslexic sometimes when coding...

Fixed a few bugs that crashes the game and makes it where the characters being shown are not where they should be. I am looking at you Jack!

Please note that any save files before this may not work due to change in coding and updates, so save files might show corrupted errors or even jump to events that are not related.

Now for what you are really here for: the Guide for the hearing! (Works with any route)
Updated Guide here:


Monster Village - 0.6.1 - ANDROID 522 MB
Aug 31, 2024
Monster Village - 0.6.1 - MAC 501 MB
Aug 31, 2024
Monster Village - 0.6.1 - PC 535 MB
Aug 31, 2024

Get HELP!!! I Got Lost and Found A VILLAGE That's Full of... MONSTERS!

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man, i just wanted some monster sex, but you really gotta just keep moving the goalposts

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Have patience. This wouldn't be a good time (story-wise) for that. A sex scene right after the events of the last update would be absolute tonal whiplash.

Don't get me wrong, I want to see those scenes too, but I know that its not the right time yet


yeah nah, but a good time would have been around the time of Lake visit.  Hell, you were about to do it with Joseph in his route but you basically got walked in on.  It just seems to be a personal mission to deny us the scenes until the very end, which I don't agree with.

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

"It just seems to be a personal mission to deny us the scenes until the very end, which I don't agree with"
Roda has openly said that they want to tell a story first before jumping into full-on sex scenes. I respect and agree with the dev's decision, and so should you.

I already said that now wouldn't be the right time for full-on sex scenes. Simply put, the right time will be when the devs decide its the right time and when it makes sense for the story and characters.

For a moment, let's pretend like the events of the last update didn't happen. Even if everything was going fine, it still wouldn't be the right time for sex. You can deny it all you want, but the fact is that the Scriviner, as a character, is not ready to have sex with any of the dateables. Yes, the Scriviner has had a lot of emotional attachment to them, but its not enough for him to consider sex right away.


Of course, the devs deciding is the final say :v 

But as a consumer I'm allowed to offer my opinion and express my disappointment.  

My opinion is that if I'm the Scriviner, then I get to decide when I'm ready for sex, and I decided its at the waterfall scene, or shortly after.  

The story is good, don't get me wrong.  I've only played Joseph to completion just cause i want to wait for it to be done before I do the rest.  Did a little bit of Ridge, and overall I'm enjoying it even if I feel like the devs have a trauma/depression boner going on here lol. 

I just feel like the "sexual pacing" (what a coomer comment, i know) would have been better with a few extra scenes along the way, before all this emotional stuff.  Some of us build our bonds through physical intercourse, and for me specifically it would have helped me fall for the characters easier.

This is of course, just my opinion.  I admit I'm a lot more 'sex casual' than some people.  My favorite recent game was On Your Day Off, which gets right into the action, and Knights College which had a sex scene at the end of every chapter.  Thats just the stuff I like.  I am also looking forward to Moontouched, which seems to be a much more story driven and spiritual game, but from my impressions of the demo, it will also be a lot more carnal.  By the end of the demo, you've already had the option to invite someone back to your tent to explore each other's bodies.  

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

So.... You dislike our game because there is no sex within the first 18 days (To clarify  including About 7/8 of them you don't talk to them)?

Just trying to understand if I get your frustrations right... mostly cause I think the comparison between our story focused game vs sexual focused games you given as an example is a bit off...


Welp that was an emotional Roller coaster jeez....

Still tho you are a genius 

And I quote from the man him self, from trial and against the results: "OBJECTION!"

(1 edit)

prolly spoiler so I'm editing to add this line break thingy lol

I read the spoiler alert and was concerned.... now I understand why they said that. WHY. WHY DID THAT HAVE TO HAPPEN?????? AEIYGFGSDH WHYYYYYYYYYYY


Spoiler alert!

why is this so sad T_T i love it tho, i cant wait for more

Please make sure the save file you are currently using is an updated and new save file since old save files, from 0.5 and below, will not work for this update and will cause issues that may block you from advancing.


Sad and rough but well and good story. Keep it up

the Fourth Cross can't working 

The solution is just clicking the Question button. But I will go ahead and code it easier to see if that would impact it.

(1 edit)

I'm on Ridge's hearing and the guide makes no sense to me, mainly because I have no armour... 

Do you mean that the armor was not added to your evidence? It should be there if you reached at least the second cutoff

I'll try to replay to see if it appears 

In the middle of the trial right now with Joseph. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get past the fifth cross. I don't know if it's a save issue or a game issue, however whenever I follow the guide and try to present the armor to the 4th line, it says I am presenting faulty evidence

I don't know if this will help but, if you were doing it from a save that was from a previous version, maybe try starting Joseph's route from the start again? I was doing Runan with the trial and when I tried to load my previous save it started from the trial when I was on Day 13.

Old saves are mostly not compatible unless due to updating on some codes to accommodate the new gameplay. It is always suggested to start at the beginning since the variables might get mixed up during gameplay.

It was a brand new save, considering I started from a different profile.


That was rough all im going to say.


honestly i loved this update, and ill be crying for something...


I just got to the trial part and I only have one thing to say: YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!!!

(1 edit)

So I didn't see any mention in notes but I'm having this thing in ridges route where his name or what monster he is won't show up don't know if it's just my phone bugging or what. Don't know if it's happening for the other routes cause I've only completed ridges trail thing so far.

Do you mean like it is blank? Like "It is time to call  to the room" or is it a crash screen?

If its the former, it means your save file is corrupted and better to start over, utilizing the skip button. This is because the identification of the name is from before Chapter 3, so it probably missed that and just showed a blank. 

if it shows a crash screen, send it here so we can see what did I wrong this time QuQ

Ah damn all right. To be fair my phone was being weird trying to update it, but I also got an error thing that wasn't really related to the blank name thing took a picture of it

Hmmm I think I need more info. What was the screen before this popped up?
If this popped up after you started the game, it is possible that you may have a corrupted version after the update. I suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

Gonna be honest with how many times I had to restart due to me being dumb I forgot when I took the picture but I think it was during the first cross examination of the trial. Thanks for taking the time to listen ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

I see. This may be a bug related to the corrupted update since it is working fine from our end. I will try to recreate this bug and see what I can do but if you have any more information, please let us know since we do need specific details if we are to fix a bug. 

For now, please just uninstall and reinstall the game, and restart from the top since it is usually a programming update error.

(1 edit) (+1)

how in hell are supposed to get through the trial? but I tried them all and get nothing after the first part of the trial is over!


I am sorry but I think we need more details to understand what you mean. Is it a bug where the guide above is not correct? Or is it that it is a bug that hinders gameplay (For which route)? We would need more details to understand what is wrong so we can help and identify what exactly is wrong, or if its intentional.

- Roda -

Leo's route the now and I as the second questions part of the trial and I can get any further!

The guide above will help you when it comes to these cross. 

I got through it and I'll let you know if I find any bugs in there other routes!

(1 edit)

Where's the  guide? I'm at the second questioning part and where they find the body and nothing I try is working ๐Ÿ˜• in leo Route.