Chapter 3 Guide - Spoilers

Chapter 3 Devlog:


Guide for the Chapter 3 Event:

They are far from being monsters because-
> Any

📝First Cross:
- Present the report to the 5th line

What's wrong Scriviner? You look like you have something to say.
> Any

It is because-
> Any

If I am right...
> Any

My proof is this...
> Present updated medical report

📝Second Cross:
> Question the 5th line
> Present the bullet to the 6th line 

The reason you didn't shoot is because-
> Any

What is the connection of the bullet to this case?
> The owner of the bowgun
> The Victim

He didn't want to talk about it because-
> Any

I need to say something...
> Any

> Any

📝Third Cross:
> Present the notes to the line that mentions "no visitors" (Position will change depending on your questioning)

Gerald had no choice but to explain that there was no other visitor because-
> Any

📝Fourth Cross:
> Just click Question (Presenting evidence here will lose life)

And so... I am abandoning this-!
> Present badge

📝Fifth Cross:
> Question the first line
> Present the armor to the 4th line

There was something missing in the testimonies entirely...
> The Victim's consciousness

📝Sixth Cross:
> Question the 2nd line
> Present the Updated report to the 3rd line 

What was the flaw here?!
> Any

> Object

The following questions after this can be answered with any choice.


With this, Chapter 3 is now good and we will work on the next update, 0.7. We will be taking a bit of a break just so we can refresh our minds a bit. Working on 0.6 drained a lot of our ideas and we might need some more inspiration in terms of delivering the story. Hopefully we can release it before the year ends since the next one is also gonna be emotionally heavy. Tho probably not as heavy as this one

0.7 Wont have the sex update :v You all can maybe understand why.

Get HELP!!! I Got Lost and Found A VILLAGE That's Full of... MONSTERS!

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will there be an update to how many saves we can have 10 pages is in no way a good amount for all the story lines i would like to be able to save special parts of the story and go back and reread it without having to restart the new or old story over again 


We might revisit the save files once the game is finished and when we polish it more.


ok thanks sounds good


I dont wanna sound rude or anything but people needed help with this? I mean trial and error you will get it eventually no? (That and you can abuse save states)

Anyway have fun making 0.7. Dont burn yourself out or anything because alot of us want to see how this story ends

Now I got a question. I just played the game and basically i took the joseph route. The ending for me is that we come back from some city after the village was raided and everyone is dead the end NOW HOLD TF UP. Is this the ending because thats how the chapter ends or the ending because my decisions led to that and its game over for me. Im confused

Bad ending


I understand why the NSFW would have to take a backseat for now. Let's just hope our bois take the time to heal. ;-;


Well this chapter make me laugh and sad for the same time Somehow🐥


Well after that "Emotional damage",  no wonder there's no corn scene yet xd.

I think They have to heal and retry to strengthen their bond 


I absolutely adore this VN I truly think the only thing missing is a step ladder or was it a ladder? P.S. This is 100% my new favorite vn the amount of effort put into is amazing and it's oozing with charm.