Small Update -

Fixed a few visual bugs, a few optimizations, and as well as grammar corrections. The main issue was after the 3rd Event on Chapter 3, the sprites were misplaced. Unfortunately, I was not able to recreate that since I tested it on a few devices, so I just forced the position and hope it works, since this bug might only have a problem on some PC/phones.

That's all, nothing major.

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A little feedback for polish and QoL. Very minor spoilers below so I'm pushing it past the read more button...

  1. When you press a statement during cross in Ace Attorney and the game returns you to the testimony, it puts you at the next statement. Here, you're returned to the beginning. This can make it harder especially for players unfamiliar with that gameplay loop to keep track of where they were in the line of questioning. Hell, I found myself accidentally pressing the same statement repeatedly a couple times because I forgot which question I pressed before.
  2. I like how you've flavored the "Objection," "Hold It," and "Take That" interjections. However, given how they're phrased, I feel like there are a number of places in the dialogue where using the "Stop right there" (Hold It) shout should be used instead of the "No, that's wrong" (Objection) shout, e.g. when the "prosecutor" starts being dehumanizing and the scrivener insists he cut the crap and show some respect.
  3. Would it be possible to add the "skip dialog" button present in the normal interface into the turnabout interface? Or does the courtroom scene code make this a pain to do?
  4. In general I feel like there should be a way to still easily pull up the logbook, "court record", or dialogue history when presented with a multiple choice option in both the standard and courtroom interfaces. To draw a comparison, to my recollection Ace Attorney keeps those button prompts visible on the screen at practically all times, the normal MonVillage interface disappears entirely during a choice and the dialogue history and log book aren't options on the courtroom interface.
  5. If I'm using Skip Dialog to fast forward in Chapter 3 and the game gets to a "save your game" prompt, the VHS static persists on the top and bottom of the screen until the actual save screen appears.
(1 edit)

Thanks! These are interesting feedback for QOL. We will focus more on improving this section once we get closer to 1.0 release (mostly due to some coding may take a while), but that last one might be something I can do fix. Hopefully..

Deleted 171 days ago

I mentioned this in the actual devlog but old saves do not work at all. You would have to start over, but you can still utilize the skip functions. This is due to an updated renpy version that changed how I order my files, so things like... that happen, when you load old saves.

A reminder as well, new updates usually dont work with old saves regardless due to Renpy not being update friendly, especially since I often update the flow code every now and then. Please be reminded that this game is still in development so expect bugs when loading old saves even if they work.

Deleted 171 days ago

If we take Ridge's route on the 1st day, then Joseph's on the 2nd, Ridge's dialog will not take in count the 1st day event


I can confirm that the issue with the sprites is fixed now during that sequence. Thank you!