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(1 edit)


The last update feels like it’s a canon for Ridge’s route specifically. The way he didn’t want to talk at a testimony at first, suffering from grief while blaming himself, and rejecting scrivener while being not fine feels like something that he specifically would do. Even the poetic irony of him being carved with a hunting knife *again* feels like something that would happen to only him. Having every other love interest adopting similar behavior for a while feels weird and out of character even with such circumstances.

On a side note the way most characters rejected scrivener after elder’s passing felt unnecessarily cruel. This especially goes off Josef.

(1 edit) (+2)


"The way most characters rejected scriviner after elder's passing felt unnecessarily cruel."
Hard disagree. If anything, I feel like it's a fairly realistic reaction. Death, especially a traumatic death like this, can take a heavy toll on people. One of the five stages of grief is anger, which can cause a person to act not how they normally would (ex: more hostile) and can even cause said person to push away the other people they care about.

(1 edit) (+2)


as someone that has lost a family member. A. I cant stop crying. B all reactions are ones ive seen from my own family (i was Ridge but replace the art with poety). One of the major reason i think they push the mc away is the fact they freeze up, and dont have a visual emotional reaction till they talk at the tree. Plus they are an outsider only there just under 3 weeks. (Just adding to the discussion)



I am so confused, I keep getting stuck at the 2nd cross. if you can leave me some tips please

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm not sure if you know already, but the devs have posted a guide above the comment section for you to get through the whole event. I can't say anything here due to spoilers, but the answers you seek are in the guide.

I'll post it here, just in case:

I'll try, but if It doesn't work, I'll inform you after restarting all of it again. 

(1 edit) (+8)

I'm a loss for words, to be honest. I thought this would be just a silly game about us and a bunch of creatures...Did not expect all of that..escpecially this update...Holy shit.

I've played ridge's route once again and still I don't have the armour... Don't know what I might be doing wrong...


(4 edits)

The armor will be given later. All items are not locked behind choices, so you will be getting them regardless. Please be sure as well the game is updated and follow the guide i commented below. Oh, sometimes going in blind too helps since looking at the Guide before playing will make you question intentional events, so play forward first.

Also be reminded to add spoiler tags when asking since I will delete comments here that mentions certain events. Repeated offenders will be banned

Oh sorry, but because the armour is mentioned in the guide I didn't think it would be considered as such. 



Got that all sorted out. Thanks for the help.


one of the bests for sure

(1 edit) (+1)

Congrats you made me cry at the tree.

(6 edits) (+1)

For those stuck in chapter 3, I made an updated Guide. A reminder as well, spoilers with no tag will be deleted. (Including questions)

Please be sure to update your game and use a new save file if the guide doesnt work as your save file might have skipped some coding changes before


This was such a good update. I can't praise it enough tbh! <3


Jin... my beloved

(1 edit) (+1)

Quick question: Will new sprites/expressions for the Main 6 be added to the Log Book Gallery some time in the future?

I knew I was forgetting something... I probably will complete this next update or the update after that.


Probably my favorite line in this game. (minor spoilers for chapter 3)










(1 edit)

You couldve said bug... or something... but... the most recent update fixes this. If this was from an old save from 0.6.2 or lower, it will not work since coding updates and may break... like this....


I do believe you may misunderstand what I meant. I meant the dialogue line here is probably my favorite in the game so far.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh... I read that with a sarcastic tone. Apologies! I see the bug first after all as the developer.


Loved this update. The main bulk of the update was amazing, and it's clear a tonne of work went into it, so kudos to you all, it was fantastic. As a huge monster hunter fan, I loved seeing the references and effort put into the story and characters. Now on to the question I loathe to ask, lest it makes me sound shallow: Will there be any longer nsfw scenes in the future? We nearly got there with one route, but are there more planned?

(2 edits) (+6)

I will answer this plainly. If youre looking for actual sex scenes to happen in the next update (0.7), it will not happen. I am sure you understand why.

we will release them on its own update that may take longer again (either 0.8/0.9). We will announce it of course on our twitter, but the next update is mostly to tie loose ends for this current update. 

We want to tell a story first rather than dive deep into fling territory

that got me curious, is 1.0 gonna be the final build?


The story will be complete when 1.0 releases but we will be releasing some additional updates to the game, such as sprite changes, backgrounds, QOL changes, and maybe even some additional CGs or content depending on our speed. Although after 1.0, these updates will not be as frequent or will have a set schedule since they are just to clean everything up. 

Once the game reaches ver 2.0, we are official done with it. 


This update is fucking cool, ill leave a more thought out response later, but it really got me screamin once the rollercoaster drops. very well done [music rocks too!]

(1 edit) (+4)

Alright, I finally played it have some thoughts. Turbo spoilers and all.

So, what I like:

+ The amount of effort that was put into Ace Attorney minigame was mindblowing. Not only you had to draw new sprites for human characters, but a lot of those that have been drawn before have to be repurposed for the Courtroom Drama minigame. I know some people complained about the fact that the update took so long, but considering the quality and everything, I'm actually surprised it took it *this* fast. 

+ With a proper repackaging, the separate version can be made inot just an A.A fangame, easily accessible for people who aren't even into the whole gay furry thing.

+ Love to see emphasis on human characters and the way they interact with the village

+ Also loved to see an actualy drama and action, something that vast majority slice of life games usually avoid (until the very end) 

+ Just the idea of moving the plot forward without involving an actual monster hunting action in a way it was presented was quite genious.

+ Callback to capcom’s legacy

+ Jack. Just Jack.

What I liked not so much, disliked:

- There are a bit of tonal problems that I needed to get over at first. The way the plot suddenly shifted felt a litte a abrupt, and the presentation of A.A. segment with its iconic theathrics caused a bit of a tonal whiplash. It doesn’t help the fact that due to how memed AA series is it looked like a parody at first despite the seriousness of situation.

-+ its kinda weird that once hunters arrive you do not allow to even say as much as two words to any of the villagers, let alone see them. Even more strange it is not allowed to be before the AA segment, you would think that hearing the “culprit”’s and elder’s side of the story would be pretty damn important for Scrivener’s job. With it comes a lot of “tell, not show”, segnments where we are told about a lot of events only after the fact they already happened, at least before the whole courtroom thing. Gonna give it a pass due to budget and time constraints tho. Also I did liked how the tenstion and unrest gradually built once we see the slew of armored soldiers piling up in the village.

- The whole mystey about a previous Scrivener is a bit unbeliavable in a sense that our scrivener didn’t discover it sooner. You would think that at least one of the villagers would definetlely comment a conincidental arrival of a second scrivener which could be overheard. It also weird that a little too chatty folk like Koku didn’t even slipped it once, especially considering how much of a hardcore monster hunter fan he is, which lead me to believe that he either, somehow, was too young to remember that *and* never heard about him afterhards, or for the duration of the whole previous two weeks somehow was self-consious enough not to mention it even once. Both instances are low-key unbelievable for me.

- Scrivener’s character sprite is still eye-less.

Overall, really liked this segment. There were couple of problems for me at the start, but the direction the plot took more then saved all of them. My only concern is that some people won’t like new direction and phase out, but, hopefully, that will not happen.

(4 edits) (+5)

Spoiler response:


















I will be honest, we did want to add tension to the game but it felt awkward to just have it words so instead we decided to add humor by programming the entire AA event in the game (which weirdly was because the admiral had that thing on its neck like edgeworth), plus its not always fun reading text when its drama. Its made to look silly because of that, and was intentional. It is meant to be a funny thing before the actual sad thing :) And this will not happen again anyway since its a one time thing. Yes, we spent too much effort on a one time joke QuQ

The reason why nobody else mentioned the first visitor is cause, only the felynes, Elder, and gerald knew. Nobody else did, as like with on the first day. Gerald knew about Scriviners, but prefers not to mention it at all. I made it so it wouldnt complicate the plot on older days. Remember, the letter mentioned that he didnt go into the village, just stayed in the old Elder's house, which is where you are currently staying. 

I know I shouldnt explain myself, but I want to let you know some parts were intentional and might not change cause of it. I also do take it to heart 100% and appreciate the comment! We were actually hoping you enjoy this update since you helped us get known in furry reddit haha. Tbh, chapter 3 still needs 1 more day to wrap up, but we were exhausted and had a deadline so most of what happens here will be explained next update!


I don't know why, but I can't seem to update the game on android. If you could give me any tips on how to if you know, please tell me!

The game might not be compatible with older versions, so it would be better to uninstall the game and reinstall the newer version.


Just went through three of the six paths, and man, this update is such a heavy hitter. I've never felt such raw emotions before, but it clearly goes to show how much of a great story it is so far!

I hope you guys (the devs) are enjoying your break, because you very much deserve it after going above and beyond for this update!

...That being said, knowing how the story is right now, the wait for the next update is gonna be...markedly painful...(no pressure, though)

Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in the next update!


Another awesome visual novel i missed out on T_T
Can't wait for the next update♥


I am in love with the big boys!


bro i cant handle the story is to much pain and crying


What I am about to write is reserved for the development team of this game, as I'd like to share some ideas I have for expanding the game.

I send a greeting to the team of developers who wanted to read my feedback on the latest chapter released. I would like to tell you about some ideas that came to mind for this game.

Before we go any further, I would like to say that I am aware that my ideas may not be accepted. Sure, I have fantasies about other people's content ideas and what would happen if there were characters of my own invention, but in the end it may just remain that, a fantasy. That is why I would like to share my ideas, to try to contribute to the game and show off my creativity. I also understand another reason why ideas from people outside the development team aren't accepted: the more you add stuff, the harder it is to manage. I hope that Hopkeeper is a team that can manage all the ideas they have in mind and that they don't close everything in a hurry (like Goth season 8).

I had moments where I thought that this game would only have M/M relationships, but if the original idea of the game was that of a furry visual novel video game set in a village with Monster Hunter monsters, I thought that this type of video game could also interest a female audience, and not just male. So one idea I had in mind was that at the beginning of the game you can choose whether the Scriviner is male or female. Of course, this unfortunately could require more work, changes and unfortunately also perhaps distortions of the characters, but the final result could perhaps be beautiful.

I've been fantasizing about new characters that I'd like to have their own personal journey. I know this would require more work, but if you like the idea and the new characters it'll be worth it. Then if you want these new characters could also just make appearances, it's up to you. That said, here are the new characters I've fantasized about:

Gustav (Lagiacrus)

He is a globetrotter who was raised by an old lady, a human named Crystal, after she found him alone in the woods where he had been when his parents abandoned him. His mother is an Aptonoth, while his father is a Lagiacrus. The latter were being chased by Hunters and, to protect their son Gustav, they hid him in the middle of the woods promising to come back for him as soon as they can. Gustav was defenseless and it was in this condition that he was found and taken into custody by Crystal. The two grew up together in a small house in the middle of the woods with pagan beliefs and were very fond of each other, until the lady died of old age. Everything that happens to Gustav, he goes through it, no matter how dangerous it may be, if it is his destiny he goes through it without thinking. He is also a very naive guy, as he is often used by the villagers, but he puts a lot of effort into being a handyman. Gustav is also interested in finding a love interest and would like to find his parents one day.

In order to improve Gustav's love relationship you will have to try to have a strong bond with him and help him to give a contribution to the monster village, in this way you will help him to understand that it is not others who decide his fate, but Gustav himself.

Elise (Paolumu)

Elise is a cute and cuddly girl who is always out helping the villagers, whose father Hans, a True Wyverian with the appearance of a Diablos, also raised Sakura as if she were his daughter. Elise has a dream, that of becoming a fashion designer and designs clothes and accessories with the intent of creating them and wants to travel the world with the intent of seeing as many things as possible and finding sources of inspiration, to then open her own tailoring shop. Elise is also a romantic girl and wants a relationship with mutual feelings, without pretensions and the need to always have sex, as she fears the seven deadly sins. She lost her mother at a young age and because of this she took refuge in her own personal world made with her own imagination, but she managed to move on trying to be happy as her mother would have wanted and has her friends who comfort her.

In order to improve Elise's love relationship you will have to help her during the chores to help the village and start making her your friend first, you must not rush too much even though she has an attractive appearance. Little by little Elise will fall in love with you and it will be up to her to choose the right moment to start a relationship.

Claire (Pukei-Pukei)

Claire is a nun, although she is currently starting to lose her faith completely. She is a calm and quiet girl, who has a lot of wisdom and advice to give to the villagers. She is also able to communicate with wild monsters and understand their emotions. In the past, when she was a child, she lived in a small country house near a village with her mother, a human, and her father, a True Wyverian with the appearance of Pukei-Pukei. Their days passed peacefully, Claire helping her father pick apples, take eggs from the chickens and chop wood, while her mother went shopping in the town and sold the crops of their house. Claire's mother had a friend, who often came to their house to visit, keeping the secret. But one night everything changed. The ex-boyfriend of her mother's friend had not yet overcome the mourning and had followed her while he was drunk, ending up finding her at Claire's house and discovering of their existence. The man began to attack the girl, while Claire remained in a corner shaking in fear and her parents fought against the ex-boyfriend of her friend. Claire's mother hit the man with a frying pan, thus saving her friend, while Claire's father threw him out of the house. However, they noticed that the friends of the ex-boyfriend of her friend were waiting outside, watching the True Wyverian and ran away. The next day, in front of Claire's house there were some Hunters who wanted the monster that was inside the house. Claire's father understood that they were there for him, but fortunately he managed to make his wife and daughter escape by hiding them in a caravan, the two saw him being taken by the Hunters, his fate remains unknown to this day. Claire's mother was so shocked that she decided to retire to a convent, together with her daughter, to be able to live a life of peace. However, as time went by, Claire began to lose faith and become disillusioned with her mother, as she had become unstable, emotional and too fragile. So the True Wyverian left, leaving her mother at the church, and began to wander until she reached the monster village, where she was welcomed.

In order to improve Claire's love relationship, you will have to not underestimate her and not bring up religious topics, also because otherwise her mind will falter and she will end up becoming mentally unstable like her mother. You will have to comfort Claire in moments when she is in crisis and make her understand that she has already started to build a new life in the village and that it is up to her to decide how to shape her future.

Camilla (Tobi-Kadachi)

A spoiled, unpleasant, rude, undisciplined, capricious, immature, a little childish girl who also has some flaws. Camilla's goal in life is to marry a rich person and live a comfortable life of privilege, she wants to become rich and have servants who clean her house and kiss the path she walks on. Before coming to live in the village she was the daughter of an aristocratic family, whose parents were a True Wyverian and a rich Hunter of a Guild. She prefers to play in company, but since during her childhood she had a home and private education at home there was not much company and she decided to make Rosemary her best friend, who is a doll given to her by her mother and who she never leaves. The Felynes babysit and play with her, and the villagers try to tolerate her, though many of them are tempted to kick her, even though it is not a good idea to raise a hand to a girl, even according to the Elder. Many years ago, Camilla's mother, a True Wyverian in the form of a Tobi-Kadachi, was targeted by an Admiral of a Hunter's Guild when she was young. She begged for her life, and in exchange she would do whatever the Admiral asked. The Admiral then began to take advantage of her, both physically and socially, until he grew tired of it and decided to grant her wish to become rich. Thanks to the Admiral's connections, the True Wyverian married a wealthy Hunter from another Guild, Sir Jerry. However, all that glitters is not gold. In fact, her husband was never at home and paid too much attention to the services of the imperial city, she felt out of place in a respectable society that did not belong to her and had lived a traumatic experience because of the Admiral, her only comfort was the birth of her daughter, Camilla. But the latter's life was not easy, her mother was depressed, desperate and mentally unstable, her father was very strict, sometimes abusive and always absent because he was in service at the Guild. For this reason, Camilla was diagnosed with schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder, in fact she had developed different personalities during her short life, it was short because she ended up in a coma that lasted 8 years. When the girl's father lost his life due to the attack of a monster, the mother fled with her daughter, because both True Wyverians were under the protection of Sir Jerry and no one could attack them. The woman reached the monster village in the middle of the forest with her daughter still in a coma and the two were welcomed warmly. When Camilla woke up from her coma, she had reached 20 years old, which showed that she had ended up in a coma at 12 years old, and she discovered through her medical records that her parents had died, her mother because of her sanity.

In order to improve Camilla's love relationship you will have to tolerate her, satisfy her demanding requests and win at every game she proposes, in this way it will be possible to chat with her and improve the bond with her, since what Camilla wants is to play with a human.

Hiroka (Legiana)

A blind girl with a motherly nature, who wants to spend her life protecting the villagers. Hiroka is very calm, sensible, quiet, mature and independent, so much so that she exaggerates and oppresses others. When she spends time with someone else and that person distances herself she freaks out, then she calms down and says that she has to protect the others, the Elder has accepted her character. Even though Hiroka is blind, she wants to feel useful to the villagers and gets angry if others try to help her when she wants to help them. She is a protective figure who does not allow the other villagers to get hurt in any way, both psychologically and physically, and that is why Hiroka does not want those who are not mature enough to leave alone. She also does not want to go to places she does not know, in fact she knows the entire village by heart, because being blind she has to know the places by heart, if she goes to a place she does not know, it could be difficult for her too to protect the others. Her mother, a True Wyverian in the form of Legiana, was a prostitute and did not care much for her daughter, even before she was born. When the woman and Hiroka arrived at the monster village, they settled in a small house and began to live quietly, but the little girl was worried about her mother, because the latter most of the time always went around seducing men and having sex with them. In fact, one day, while the woman was temporarily leaving the village for a health walk, she found a hunter who treacherously killed her. As soon as Hiroka went to look for her mother, she found her corpse on the ground. The little girl, terrified, decided not to see anymore, decided to see only what she wanted to see, becoming blind to everything else and to the horrors of the world and to the truth.

In order to improve Hiroka's love relationship, you will have to stay in her company and get help from her, but in the moments when Hiroka is half sick and starts bumping into things because she is blind, do not try to help her and let her do everything. All this will help her understand that, even though she is not always present all the time, everyone has helped her to stand on her own two feet and to be more confident in herself and Hiroka will therefore feel useful.

Sakura (Mizutsune)

Sakura is a woman with a sweet and seraphic appearance, when in reality inside she is problematic, since she gets murderous instincts when she sees humans. She had tried to suppress feelings of hatred to live peacefully in the village of monsters. Her favorite weapon is a pair of scissors, which she always carries with her, hiding them under her clothes. Originally her parents were brutally killed by Hunters and she was adopted in a village where Riders lived, that is, people who live alongside monsters and fight together, and they took the child because they considered her useful. However, Sakura had always been the scapegoat of all the inhabitants and the monsters of the Riders, when someone made a mistake, the blame always fell on her. Sakura found comfort only with the monsters of the village, since they treated her as one of them. The frustration and anger that the girl had towards the humans of the village, who always used her only to be blamed for something and then forgotten, made her go mad and have a distorted view of the world in which all humans are evil and she ended up exterminating all the humans in her village, leaving the monsters free. She continued to wander aimlessly until she reached the village, where the Elder and the Felyne took care of her. One day, Sakura was seen by the villagers after she killed a group of Hunters who were about to attack her. The woman was not only treated well after everyone knew her story, but she was also feared, because she is actually the only one in the village who knows how to fight.

In order to improve Sakura's love relationship you will have to talk to her, always be kind to her and help her, in this way she will understand that not all humans are evil and she will understand that all the inhabitants of the monster village have never involved her in their mistakes, that everyone must take responsibility for their own sins and that she will not have to suffer anymore.

And these were the characters I fantasized about, I hope they at least attracted your sympathy. See you next time, goodbye.

Heres a question. Is there other residents in this village or is it just the ones that have been shown to the reader

Yes, there are others. It is just that we are not showing all of them, but we can assume it is at least more than who we have talked to.

Hi, just finished the update and my god whhyyyyy!?? :')

It's great tbh, never expected the minigame for what happened after chaps and my first time playing smth like that. It frustratingly fun to play, but I also wanna ask? 


I had an old game save file on Joseph's route during the waterfall event and when I loaded it I got a (possible secret) out come where ridge comes with us to the waterfall? I didn't replay the whole thing cuz I thought it was glitch with the old save forcing me into a different event from the original save file did. ( Cuz that did not happen when I saved that )

I also wanna report that after I gave up the badge, the sprite for the characters in the court thing where not aligned right. MC was way off screen to the left and the bastard was was more line to the right.

And that's all I have to say and thx for this wonderful game, my best wishes to you.

(1 edit)

Old save files dont work with the current update since it gets corrupted. 
And uhhh... I am still trying to fix that bug cause I cannot recreate it :<

Edit: Uploaded a supposed fix

(1 edit)

Hi, I've just finished playing the latest version of the game and would like to give my thoughts on it. Spoilers will follow, so if you haven't gotten to the end of Day 18, please ignore the following, thanks.

I have to say, in short, I was very shocked. Before Chapter 3 came out, I thought the Hunters would show up and take our Scrivener's love interest hostage or imprisoned, the Admiral seems to be the perfect type of character who wants to be hated by the public, who is corrupt and only interested in money or power. I was very disappointed when the Elder was killed, but I'm not sure if the Admiral was aiming for the Scrivener or the Elder, or maybe the bullet was meant for the Scrivener, but when the Scrivener's love interest it, the bullet ends up on the Elder instead, or maybe the Elder pushes the Scrivener and sacrifices himself. It is also true that if the love interest had not gone out to look for the Mandragora, perhaps the Hunters would not have reached the village, things may have gone differently. However, the fact remains that the death of the Elder also marks the beginning of the change, something necessary to move forward in the story, also because trying to make other choices only gets endings that are not real endings but rather Game Over, so it also makes you understand that the player must make specific choices and that there are no alternatives, if you want to get a real ending.

Anyway, this situation where everyone has to recover from the Elder's death is very similar to something that happened to a friend of mine. Basically, his mother died, but he managed to move on, tried to be happy like she would have wanted, he has his friends to comfort him and he's okay now, or at least he's doing okay. I can't imagine what it's like for someone who has no friends or anyone to comfort him. Our protagonist's love interest can decide not to be alone.

When I saw that the Housekeeper was still crying in the Elder's room I started to think that in the next chapter he might do something evil, since he can't seem to move on. I also imagined that Ridge, in his route, would move into the Elder's house, since it wouldn't make sense to leave it empty and his stay at Joseph's house was only temporary.

Now I would like to move on to some criticism, but please do not think badly and think before you say something.

When I saw that the trial to clear the protagonist's love interest was a series of Ace Attony-style minigames, I found it downright cringe-worthy, especially because the characters were way too theatrical. But then I thought that they did it because both the Monster Hunter series and the Ace Attony series are both from Capcom and maybe some of the developers really like the Ace Attony series.

One thing I didn't like was that on Day 14, due to circumstances, we couldn't see what was happening, during the day the protagonist is "silenced" by Grano and during the night he is given a summary. I would have liked to see the scene in detail.

Another criticism is also about the character sprites. When the protagonist's love interests, in their respective paths, go to the Elder's tomb, only Ridge, Koku and Runan have facial expressions that show that they are mentally broken, while Leo, Jin and Joseph have their usual expressions. I would like to point out that only when we find Runan does he have tears in his eyes, but after that, even if the game says so, said tears in his eyes are no longer there. Lastly, regarding the sprites, the character sprite gallery should be updated.

It's been months since February 19, 2023 and now my priority towards the game has changed. A lot of stuff has been added to the story, subplots, more characters, love interest backgrounds and main character evolutions have been added. At first it seemed like a gay video game that tried to fulfill sexual fantasies about Monster Hunter monsters. The main plot you needed to know is that there was this Scrivener who was assigned to find the village and he finds out that it is inhabited by True Wyverians, aka humanoid looking monsters, that's it. His goal was that, but the player didn't care at all, he preferred to focus on spending his days with the protagonist's six love interests. I'm interested in the story, I'm interested in new characters, new ships that don't necessarily involve the Scrivener, I'm interested in other characters and above all in the evolution that the plot is taking. I'm not the kind of person who immediately ships the first characters he sees, but you will understand that this might not be the kind of erotic video game that gives the usual kind of treat that gives fans to drive them crazy. So please guys, please, don't hate me for this thing, maybe I'm not completely into it as I was before. I remind you that I just wrote this review and so we are in the period in which this game is incomplete. So, let's say that at this moment it might not give me anything, but in reality perhaps later on as the story goes on we will see some changes that maybe don't seem like it but could make sense in the ending. There is no need for you to put "I don't like" now and write in the comments "No, you didn't understand anything!", I understood and I saw it and there is no need for you to tell me, I'll just leave you this thing: Ok, the inventiveness is only from my point of view, but the game is still incomplete.

And that was all I had to say about this third chapter. I am curious to know how the story will continue. I, like many of you, have theories about what will happen and if we want we can talk about them in the comments. Now we just have to wait for the continuation of the story to see how the various paths of our Scrivener will continue.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time.


       I just HAD to leave a comment here as I just finished the recent update and I will say that the FEELS was EVERYWHERE!!! Amazing update and looking forward to the next one! Keep it up!!!

        One of your excited fans,


(1 edit) (+1)

i Cried, only that i have to say, but i liked thanks for the VN


I took a lot of mental damage.
I'm not empathetic at all, but this made me cry and laugh like a b*tch.
This is a great project and I look forward to seeing it grow!
Thanks for working on this masterpiece! <3

ngl i really had a good time reading this! got me pretty involved on every single day! totally recommended

(1 edit)

also, i did leave a comment before but disappeared. not sure if is shenanigans or if i said something wrong, if that's the case i am sorry.

Hey! If a comment is deleted, it is because the content included spoilers. Please be reminded to not post spoilers unless the content is something general already. Remember to stay respectful to other's experiences since you don't want to spoil them, right? 

(4 edits)

i absolutely agree, i do remember what i wrote and yeah i could have thought about it a little more, at the time i write i didn't think that as a spoiler i was mostly speaking out of excitement for your nice work but now i see with more clarity. again i am sorry.

spoiler ahead!

just to be clear i talked about the presence of an ace attourney part, admittedly i didn't thought that pointing that might have come as a spoiler but i know that what i personally think is or isn't a spoiler doesnt really matter and if you prefer to leave that as a surprise (which to say is understandable) i have no rights to go against your will. i know i repeated it a lot but again i am really sorry i really feel bad to know i have damaged you which was the total opposite of what i wanted to do with that comment. if it does make you forgive me i did share this within some group of mine and even recommended them to read this. if there is something i can do for you just tell me i would gladly comply.

the fact you even took your time to respond me truthfully but kind heartedly and not harshly tells me that you are a good person indeed and one driven by good will.

I have a question when I replay this game because of a bug and I have notice an information about Jin's past in spoiler ahead:

Is Jin's father a human hunter? If so, is Jin a half human/true wyverian hybrid?




Gotta say I like the update. Tho I have some thoughts that I wanna mention.

Spoilers ahead btw.

The feels tho, that definitely felt like the highlight of this update. I also enjoyed the ace attorney segement, especially the idea of figuring out what happened and our protag and the admiral acting as the defense and prosecutor.

While the case is fun to solve, it's kinda annoying that I have to play it every single time I wanna move continue on another route. Like after I solve it in Jin's route, it doesn't feel like there's any point solving all over again since it's practically the same for all routes. If anything, the only reason I'd want to do it again is to see how the others testify. I kinda wish there was a way to skip the ace attorney segement after going through it once in the game.

But yeah, other than that, Chapter 3 was definitely fun to play. ^^

Oh its not mentioned, but you can skip through it after going through once with one route. Pressing Shift/Ctrl on the keyboard for PC and the skip button on mobile becomes active. It will still stop on some parts, but that is more just so it doesn't visually glitch to the point that it was confusing.


it was so sad and it made me cry almost all day


yeah! right?

(1 edit)


I just love that the court became Phoenix Wright GG. 🎀

(2 edits)

i was all giddy when i saw that, i totally loved that part well written too! kudos to roda. the art is stunning! great job DaSinBun!

I caught this on Leo's day 18, idk if it's fixed or not so here

also how fucking dare you sir the audacity


Omg I am so blind... will upload a fix for this.


Uploaded a fix for this. Thanks for letting us know!

also I'm sorry I finished the route in like 4am my head was very groggy so I forgot to mention, but during the whole scene (you know, the whole  thingamajig) the characters' sprites weren't in their correct positions, even went off-screen. I think it might be me pressing Enter repeatedly to skip texts so the sprites didn't have time to move into place. I only got to see the sprites correctly (I think) in the second act of the scene

(1 edit) (+1)

Will look into it but that sounds like an issue with the original save file from an old version of the game. I've been getting many reports like this that were results from old save files. Regardless, will keep testing but from our end, it doesn't seem to happen even after using the skip button.
Will keep exploring this.

I start with a new save and still encounter it. XP

It seems this bug is literally hidden since it affects only a few phones and tablets, as testing it from our end seemed fine. That's why it took me a while to find it.

The game has been updated and this part should be fixed. Check my edit on the most recent devlog for details.


monster hunter wilds leaks look crazy

(1 edit)

By any chance the music for the new chapter. Is there a place i can find it because WOW it sounds great (I dont know if there is different music for the routes but its the new chapter in Jospeph route)


im soo happy about the update.. i love it so much!!!!! I'll be waiting for the next update.


IM SAD!! IM ACTULLY CRYING.... it took me soo long to play this and reach the end. I actually never suspect the ending will be that... I rate it 10/10 star, the best VN i ever read!! 


spoilers all of it don’t look down

Whyyyyy I chose the wrong option and now Jin hates me and I accidentally over saved the option ps I’m doing this on mobile so it a lot laggyer to speed up ahhhhhh I hope the story continues in which it’s all about healing ahhhhhh                                   

Ps love the vn❤️❤️ 

Pps will there be away to skip the trial I know I enjoy the mechanic but no joke because of it it took me about 7 hours to complete one of them still liked it 👍


The most recent update actually has the option of the FF:
After going through the first time and finishing it, if you press shift on desktop, it will skip. 
As for mobile, the skip button will be active.

We purposefully made it where you have to go through the first round in full experience, but if you do another route, it should be skippable.

Ahaha,7 hours?I finish two within 1 and half hours😂

it might be because I was focus on doing it without a guide and had to rest five times but still thank you for the update 

(1 edit) (+1)

Im not crying... YOU'RE CRYING T>T

In all my life have I never seen such talented story writing, each character has so much emotion to them you could convince someone this was based on a true story... 10/10  

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